"They will, chill." I tell my sister.

"No because like our grandmother had it and devestated our dad. He hasn't rlly been the same." Anna says as I rub her back.

"Hey butt lords." Shuji says.

"Shut up." I tell Shuji as I dab him.

"What are you doing?" He asks as his friend puts on his shoes.

"Go away, Shuji. We're working on a serious project. Hello! " Maya tells her brother.

"Hey Shuj. What up? " Anna says in a flirtirous voice with a giggle.

"Hey Evan." Maya says to in a flirtirous voice.

"Hey." Evan replys.

"Whats up with you?" Maya asks Evan.

"We were just going to go see Cast Away again." Evan replys as Shuji nods.

" I like your hair today." Maya says.

"Um.. My mom wanted me to give this to you before we left um.." He says as he flicks us off before walking out of the door.

"Don't flick me off! Bye Evan." Maya yells at her brother as Anna flicks him off to.

"Ok um..do you?.." Maya starts.

"Your brother is fine." Anna says.

"Omg Na, gross." I say disgusted at my sister.

"You can't talk about boys! Your litterally dating one of the hottest boys in our grade!" Anna tells me.

"God your overreacting Y/n. Dustin's hot can't you accept that, like I would kill you to date him. Your such a spoiled brat." Maya tells me.

"Bitch you wanna repeat that?" I ask glaring at her.

"Your so spoiled like you glow up in one year, now you got everyone's attention, your a slut." Maya tells me.

"Oh im the fucking slut? Says you desperate whore. You need to understand they don't like you!" I tell Maya.

"Ok guys let's calm down." Anna says.

"Anna, I tired.. She always calls me a slut, whore, hoe, bitch. Last I checked you were the whore Maya." I tell her before sitting down.

"OH really-" Maya starts as Anna yells at her to stop.

I look at Maya's face as she shocked knowing that her best friend has never yelled at her.


After a bit the girls arrive.


"Thanks for coming over you guys." Maya tells them.

"We had to for a school project, obviously. " Stevie says.

"Yeah.. Of course.. Yeah." Maya says.

"Obviously." Anna says.

"So...Is anyone hungry?" Maya asks as Anna raises her hand.

Maya opens a small pack of chips as she takes out her retainer as she girls look at her disgusted.

"You guys hungry or like?" Anna asks them.

"Anna." Maya says as she nods no as Anna took most of the chips, Anna puts it back in the packet. She passes the packet to Becca as Maya puts her retainer back in covering her side.

"Do you like have anymore food?" Connie asks.

"No." Maya says.

"That's not possible, Can I check the fridge?" Connie asks.

Friends To Lovers (Dustin Long) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें