Family love

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It's been 3 weeks since I told Landon that I was pregnant now it was time to tell my family and I know my family will be supportive but I'm just a little scared because I'm only 18 and Landon is only 19 but I have a feeling they will be very happy

But I wish my mom and dad were here to see me have my first child but I know their always with me and I always have the rest of my family. we all have an ok relationship that's why I was hoping this baby would bring us all together just like I did once upon a time.

Me and Landon are on the way back to New Orleans because I told them to meet us at the old Mikaelson compound we plan on telling them over a family dinner. But we also have another surprise to tell them me and Landon plan on buying back the Mikaelson compound so our baby can have a nice house to grow up in.

As me and Landon pulled into the driveway all of the memories started to come back some were bad some were good but they were my memories and that's all that matters "babe where do you want me to put the bags" Landon asked hope "you can put them upstairs in my old bedroom" i said pointing to my old bedroom.

I m trying to forget all of the bad memories because I'm ready to make new ones with my child and my family but it's really hard, maybe when my family gets here I'll be ok and everything will be better

The first people to show up were my aunts freya and keelin and my little cousin their son nick "hi aunt freya hi aunt keelin" I said to my aunts "hi baby so what's the big news and why did you make us come all they way here" freya asked "well that's a surprise I actually have two surprises tonight to tell everyone at Dinner" I said back "ok this better be good" she said playfully

Soon after every single person from my family was there my aunt Davina my uncle kol my aunt Rebekah and uncle marcel and aunt freya and keelin and their son nick. As we all sat around the dinner table Landon and I were both terrified to tell them.

I sat nervously at the table, my hands shaking as i tried to gather the courage to tell my family the big news. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I also knew that I needed to tell them. After a few deep breaths, i finally spoke up, "guys I have something to tell you. I'm pregnant."

My family was shocked at first, but after a few moments, they all gave her a hug and told her that they loved her no matter what. It wasn't the easiest conversation, but i was glad that i had finally told my family the truth.

"That's why you told us to drive all the way here isn't it" freya asked "yes that's why but I also there's something else" hope says shyly "you better not be in any bloody trouble" Rebekah says "Landon and I were both thinking that we want the baby to have some nice place to grow up" she says practically leaving the whole family in suspense

"So we've decided that we're going to buy back the Mikaelson compound so that our baby can grow up here" the whole family was in shock but they were supportive "as long as your happy that's all that matters" keelin says with a smile on her face "well I'm glad your moving back here and I'm glad my favorite niece is happy and starting her own little family" kol says to her smiling"

We all laughed and joked with each other the whole night


Me and Landon are on our way back to school to start packing up our things to move and we've been riding in silence for the longest so I'm gonna strike up a conversation.

"Landon can you believe it my family is supportive of us having a kid I thought they would get mad and just disown me or something" I say to Landon "I don't know why you thought that hope your family is the most loving caring people I have ever met they are gonna love you and this baby until the end of time" Landon says back "yeah I know right can you believe it we're going to be parents and responsible for another life" I say to Landon smiling "I know I still feel like I'm ten playing with my toy cars" Landon says " yeah you still act like it too" hope says jokingly we both laugh at my joke and continue talking and driving back to school

I can't wait to see what it feels like to be a parent and I can't wait to find out what gender the baby is. I'm so excited to start this journey with Landon and have this baby.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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