"Oh, my God! Freaking idiot!"

"Why do we have to go?" 

"Mom, we're in the middle of a campaign!" I hear Mike protest as we continue the search.

"You mean the end? Fifteen after." I hear Mrs. Wheeler say, I watch as Mike runs up the stairs after her. Lucas, Will, Dustin and I continuing the search for the missing dice. I look at my watch realizing how late it is. 

"Shit, Dusty we go to go." I tell Dustin as I grab my jacket and my bag.

"Oh, I got it! Does the seven count?" I hear Will say showing Lucas the dice. 

"It was a seven? Did Mike see it?" Lucas asks, Will shakes his head. "Then it doesn't count." Lucas finishes. 

"You boys know that cheating right?" I ask Lucas sarcastically. He just brushes off my comment as we grab out stuff heading up the stairs.

"Yo, hey, guys. Does anyone want this?" Dustin asks holding up a pizza box.

"No." Lucas, Will and I say in unison. The boys and I walk up the stairs, Lucas, Will and I walk towards the garage but I see Dustin head towards the stairs. "He's probably going to offer Nancy the last slice." I think as I see Dustin walk away. Nancy and I were once good friends but we've drifted apart since high school started and she started dating that jackass Steve Harrington. The boys and I walk out of the house and collect our bikes. I was saving up for a car so until I had one I was stuck biking everywhere or carpooling with my best friend Eddie.

"There's something wrong with your sister." Dustin says walking into the garage.

"What are you talking about?" Mike asks.

"She's got a stick up her butt." Dustin says, picking up his bike.

"Yeah. It's because she's been dating that douchebag, Steve Harrington." Lucas says.

"Yeah, she's turning into a real jerk." Dustin says as we turn on the lights on our bikes. 

"She's always been a real jerk." Mike replies.

"Nuh-uh, she used to be cool." Dustin says as we bike down the driveway. 

"Like that time she and Emma dressed up as an elf for our Elder tree campaign." Dustin says as we bike down the driveway.

"Four years ago!" Mike shouts as we bike away.

"Just saying." Dustin retorts.

"I still dress up as an elf for some of our campaigns." I tell Dustin.

"That's because you're still cool." Dustin tells me.

"Well I'll take that as a compliment." I replied as we bike down the street towards our house.

"Good night, ladies." Lucas says turning into his driveway.

"Kiss your mom 'night for me." Dustin says sarcastically.

"Race you back to our place? Winner gets a comic." Dustin challenges Will.

"Any comic?" Will asks.

"Yeah." Dustin tells Will. Will speeds off ahead of Dustin and I.

"You're about to lose your favorite comic Dusty." I tell him, speeding off after Will.

"Hey! Hey! I didn't say "go"! Get back here! I'm gonna kill you!" Dustin's shouts, racing after Will and I.

"I'll take your X-Men 134!" Will shouts racing past our house.

"Son of a bitch." Dustin pants as he turns into our driveway.

"You shouldn't have let him pick any comic." I tell Dustin as we park our bikes in the garage.

Dustin's nods, as we walk into the house quietly.

"If it makes you feel better you can have my X-men 134." I tell Dustin as we walk down the hall towards our rooms.

"Really?!" Dustin asks excitedly.

"Yeah, I'll get it for you." I tell Dustin as I walk into my room. I search through my comics finding the one I'm looking for, I grab it and walk into Dustin's room. I hand him the comic.

"You're the best." Dustin says hugging me.

"Thanks, good night Dusty." I say leaving Dustin's room.

"Wait!" Dustin says before I could leave the room.

"Here," Dustin says handing me a stack of papers."I made you some NPCs for your campaign." 

"Thanks Dustin." Me and Eddie have been working on building a campaign for Hellfire and Dustin has been helping me.

"Goodnight Emma." Dustin says walking back into his room.

"Goodnight Dustin." 


End of the first chapter! Hope you guys liked it! 

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