Ch. 7: Pain and Regret

Start from the beginning

"Aaaah!" He said before Anne threw the second frog into him, making them back hit the ground again unconscious.

Sprig jumped onto Anne's back as she ran through the town, looking for anymore bandits.

"Over there!" Sprig said, noticing another explosion nearby.

Anne barked in agreement. Anne rushed to the explosion and saw the town market was greatly damaged. Anne growled and started to sniff the ground, looking for a scent.

"Uh, Anne, I don't think you need to find a scent." Sprig said, pointing to something.

Anne looked up and saw 3 more bandits ransacking the market, one was grabbing the surviving coppers from the wreckage as the other two were keeping a family at blade point. Anne took off quickly, jumping onto one of them and growling at the others.

"Aaaah!" He screamed!

"What the heck is that?!" Another asked before Sprig kicked them to the ground and shot mud in the face of the other!

"She's better than you, that's all you need to know." Sprig said.

"Yeah!" Said the frog family as they got up.

"Can you guys find some rope so we can tie them up?" Sprig asked them.

The frogs nodded as Anne and Sprig fought against them. It was a surprise when the apparent leader showed up. He threw a boomshroom and it hit Sprig, launching away and knocking him out. Anne noticed this, as did most of the town. Anne shifted back and ran over to Sprig.

"Sprig! Sprig, speak to me!"

Anne held her head to his chest, hearing a faint heartbeat. Anne's eyes turned blue for a second and she stood up. She looked at the leader.

"You." She growled.

"Yeah, what of it?" He asked, not scared of Anne. "You gonna cry for your little frog friend?"

He was laughing, until Anne was in front of him. She grabbed him by his shirt collar and lifted him in the air.

"You hurt my best friend!" She said, "Now... I'm going to hurt you!"

Anne threw him to the side, causing him to hit a wall. The frog could barely groan before Anne charged and kicked him into the wall, creating a hole! She transformed into a wolf and grabbed him by the shirt before throwing him out! She jumped onto him and began biting down on him, not hesitating to deliver all the pain he just delivered on Sprig.

"AAAAAH!" He screamed in pain, feeling Anne tear into the back of his neck! "Get this thing off me!"

Anne didn't stop, she bit down more. She started shaking him and didn't stop until she heard a snap. She dropped the body and shifted back, blood on her mouth and looked at the rest of the bandits.


The bandits could only shake in fear of Anne before gazing down to their leader again, seeing him dead and covered in his blood! They dropped their weapons or loot before running and hopping out of Wartwood as fast as they can! Anne ran back over to Sprig.

"Come on, buddy... wake up."

She shook him a bit as she listens to his heartbeat, glad it was still beating but he wasn't waking up yet.

"Anne!" Hop Pop shouted as he rushed to them, gasping at the sight of his grandson! "SPRIG!"

"We... we need to get him somewhere." Anne said, "Somewhere they can help him."

"I-I got it! Follow me!" Hop Pop said as Anne gently picked up Sprig and followed him.

He led her to Maddie's house, with these injuries, it could be the only place that could help.

"Set him down in the couch!" Maddie's father said as he let them in. "I'll get Maddie."

Anne and Hop Pop set Sprig gently on the couch, making sure not to aggravate his injuries. Anne began to zone out, putting a hand against her mouth, when she felt that it was wet. She pulled her hand back and saw the blood.

'I... I killed someone.' Anne thought, 'O... oh, God... what have I done?'

She didn't even think about it, she was so angry about them attacking Wartwood and hurting her best friend! Her mind went blank and she followed her instincts, she killed another person to protect her pack. She's... never actually killed before, sure she ate dead things, but she never actually killed another human, and while they weren't actually human, they were as close as you could get without being one. She gagged, holding her mouth before she pushed it back down.

"Is-Is there a bathroom nearby?" Anne asked as Maddie and her father came back.

"Down the hall." The father said.

Anne quickly walked past them and into the bathroom. Her legs gave out and she fell to the ground as soon as she closed the door. She began to hyperventilate before she grabbed their toilet and vomited into it! She fell back against the wall, lost in thought. Lost in what she did and what others would think when she returned home or ran into her lost friends here in Amphibia.

'What have I done?'

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