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Emi woke up to a blinding light that made her squint. She blinked a few times, disoriented, and tried to sit up, but her body wouldn't move. Panic set in as she realized that she was dead.

'Was this what the afterlife was like?'

She looked around and saw nothing but white. The silence was deafening. She tried to scream, but her voice was silent.

Then, just as suddenly as she had woken up, she felt a pull, and everything went black.


When Emi woke up again, she was lying in a luxurious bed, surrounded by silk sheets and soft pillows. The room was elegant, with a large fireplace, intricate tapestries, and a balcony overlooking a sprawling garden.

She sat up and looked at herself. She was wearing a flowing, ornate gown with a sparkling tiara on her head. She felt a sense of unease as she realized that she couldn't remember anything about her life before this moment.

Who was she?

Where was she?

How did she get here?

As she got out of bed and began to explore the room, she realized that she was in a castle.

 The room was tastefully decorated with a mix of medieval and modern furnishings. 

The walls were painted a soft shade of lavender, and the floors were made of polished wood that shone under the warm glow of the chandelier.

Everything was unfamiliar, and she didn't recognize any of the faces she saw. 

The few people she saw in the hallway bowed to her as she walked by, calling her "Your Highness." Emi started to feel overwhelmed, and her head started to spin.

Suddenly, a woman appeared at the door, dressed in a finely tailored dress.

"Your Highness, you're finally awake," the woman said, bowing deeply.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lady Aelwen, your lady-in-waiting. We are in the Kingdom of Elvwizest, and you are the Princess Emilia, daughter of King Cedric and Queen Seraphina. I am a new maid here at the palace and was asked to look after you. You were unconscious for three months, your Majesty. You suffered from some memory loss, but I'll be here to guide you."

Emi felt a mix of confusion and disbelief.

She was a princess?

She had a king and queen for parents?

The Reincarnated Princess of ElvwizestOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora