Chapter 1: School

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"He looks so cute," I said to my friend, Shyanne. I was talking about the most popular boy in school. His name is Alex.

I should probably introduce myself. My name is Olivia. I'm 14 years old. My best friend's name is Shyanne. She's also 14. My crush, Alex, is 15.

As the popular crowd walked by, Alex looked in my eyes and handed me a folded up piece of paper. I looked at Shyanne and squealed when he was out of sight.

We scurried to the bathroom to read the note. "Dear Olivia," it said, "I think you're very cute. I would like to get to know you. My number is 678-491-8301. Please text me when you get home. Love, Alex."

As soon as we finished reading the note, the bell rang. Shyanne and I hurried to our first class.
--------------------------------------------- SIX HOURS LATER
As I walked out of last period, I made eye contact with Alex. He winked at me. As I climbed onto the bus, I saw Alex right behind me.

"Can I sit here," Alex asked as he pointed to the spot next to me. I looked to the front of the bus and asked Shyanne through eye contact. She nodded and sat down in the front.

"Sure," I said, and he sat down. He looked at me with his green eyes. "Did you get my note?" I avoided his cute eyes and nodded. "What's your number, by the way?" By the time I finished giving him my number, it was time for me to get off the bus.

Shyanne was waiting for me when I climbed off the bus. "What'd he say!?" In the middle of telling her what happened, my phone buzzed, signaling a text message. It was from my mom. She told me that she wouldn't be home for a few hours and to go to Shyanne's house and that her mom was already okay with it.

We got to her house and went up to her room.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry for the short chapter. Its my first chapter of my first book. I will try to update every Wednesday since school is out. The picture of the boy at the beginning is Alex, who is based on my current boyfriend. The girl at the beginning is Olivia. I will post a picture of Shyanne at the next chapter. Please comment what you think of the book. Thanks!

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