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everything in english will be in italics

"knock knock, jisung yours truly is here." soohyun looked at his brother as he was turned back at the door.

"what-CHLOE?!" jisung shouted as soon as his soulmate stepped into the dance room.

"hello darling." chloe said, smiling at her soulmate, a couple stray tears fell down her cheeks,"yours truly has arr-" chloe was forced to stop talking as jisung jumped at his lover, immediately grabbing her lips between his, knocking them to the ground.

"surprise!" soohyun looked around the room, seeing the surprised faces of the boys and a confused one of rosie's who apparently was there as well.

"hello, rosie. that's jisung's soulmate and my best friend, chloe." soohyun walked over to her friend, putting down presents onto the table thats next to the door beforehand.

"oh? jisung was sad all day on how this chloe person wasn't answering him and he was miserable mess." rosie explained. soohyun felt a bit bad but knew that her brother is now happy with his soulmate by his side.

"oh! i like your new hairstyle!" rosie commented on her new choice of colour and style."thank you, it was inspired by one of hyunjin's photos." soohyun explained, looking at the pair being cuddly.

"alright alright! you'll have more than enough time to catch up on all that disgusting stuff later. now let's dance and shimmy." soohyun shouted above all the ruckus and noise making everyone turn to her.

as soohyun was around the table, making sure nothing was broken, someone backhugged her.
"thank you noona, it means a lot." jisung let a couple of tears fall onto his cheek. soohyun turned around to properly hug jisung,"its no problem, sungie. i knew you needed this, plus how could i say no to my future sister-in-law when she proposed this idea 3 weeks ago." soohyun gave a light kiss to jisung's forehead before detaching from her brother's grasp.


it was finally hours later, and they finally finished dance practice with the trio of girls occasionally stepping in to learn some of the dance moves. rosie went to her household to get ready for the dinner, soohyun and chloe went to the older girls' place since all of chloe's things were there. the boys went back to their dorms, not before jisung and jeongin smothering their lovers in kisses.

"ahh young love. i hate it. anyways, when do you think it'll be my turn?" soohyun swung her feet back and forth when sitting on her dining room table looking up at the ceiling.

"when chris has balls to ask you out, the dude was drooling at your new hairstyle. it's a shame he didnt have any balls to say it to your face." chloe giggled reminding herself how chan looked at chloe in awe with massive heart eyes, continuing to eat small sweets from bowl on the table.

"he does n o t find me good looking, must've been a flick of the light that made it look like that." soohyun defended the statement chloe gave her.

"yeah right. tell me that when you guys are dating." chloe boasted back at the older. soohyun only sighed, shaking her head."i'll go reapply my lipstick and then we can go." soohyun headed at the direction of her room.

soohyun was wearing a silky dark red dress that came to her about mid thigh, with black fishnets under her and black heels on her feet. she had a couple of rings illustrating her fingers.

chloe was wearing a simple white pullover with a pastel brown skirt, skin coloured thights under her skirt. she was also wearing black heels, not as sexy ones but still they complimented her whole outift. she decided to curl her hair and put on light makeup. she had her feather behind her right ear, giving the whole look a pop of red colour.

couple of minutes later the older came out of her room and they went to the korean barbecue place they went to on that same day. the waitresses got sweaty hands as soon as they saw stray kids' party and their extras. after all, seating 11 people wasn't an easy task.

"hello, i have a reservation under han soohyun for 11 people for 7.30pm." she told the woman at the front. she nodded and shortly took them to their booth at the back of the restaurant on the behalf of soohyun asking a private booth.

"hello, my name is byemin and i am your server for tonight, shall i get started you guys some beverages?" the waitress called byemin came to our table."yes! hi! 10 glasses of soju please!" soohyun asked for the beverages from the waitress.

byemin bowed and told us, she'll be back soon with our drinks. chloe and soohyun held eyecontact knowingly what they agreed upon yesterday. the waitress came soon back with our drinks, hyunjin being the closest to the waitress he gave her all of the menu's, their hands accidentally meeting and star themed tattoo appeard on both of their inner wrists. soon after the feathers fell, it was a gorgeous pastel purple with both of their names written fancily on the feathers.

"LETS GOOOO!!! HYUNJIN FOUND HIS SOULMATE!!!!" the whole table shouted, and got loud immediately. the newly found soulmates turned to hyunjin's friends and widened their eyes. "yah! keep it down!" the tall male shrieked at his friends.

he turned to his newly found soulmate,"may i have your number? i have to calm down my bandmates in order not to get thrown out." hyunjin explained to byemin, she took a page from her small notebook, wrote down her name and number and continued to cater the group.

byemin took their orders, keeping her eyes longer on hyunjin than anyone else. turning back to the counter to type in their orders."now we're celebrating four things! felix's and jisung's birthday, chloe in korea and a new love." soohyun said, cheers roared across the table.

chloe and soohyun occasionally exchanging one glass under the table so both of them could have fun and be drunk instead of only one.


everyone was full to the brim with food, they decided to go to the dorm. hyunjin coming later to the group as he was saying goodbye to byemin and apologised for his groups' loudness, the girl immediately saying it was no problem and she was happy as long as hyunjin was happy around his friends.

the cake they ordered and delivered to the restaurant was good as well, making their stomachs turn uncomfortably as it was really full and they felt like exploding.

as they were walking to the dorms, soohyun was dragging behind her group sluggishly, tired from all of the ordeal of today. the boys were happy with their presents, jisung got to see his lover again, hyunjin met his lover today. it was a good day overall.

soohyun thought if she was gonna meet her soulmate anytime soon. unbeknownst to her, her soulmate was the leader of the group she was friends with. it was a matter of time until they would confess and either accidentally or intentionally share skinship.

1123 words

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