One Shot

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Black engenes be givin me the ick so much that I forget that the one normal one I follow is funny as hell. She quotes every kpop group comeback tweet with 'before enha!?" and it kills me every time. I'd say where would black engenes be without her but lol she literally turned into a private account over nasty ass, bozo ass engenes jumpin her for rightfully callin out the way enha is fatphobic to Sunoo last year so sayin that would be inaccurate as her bein on private makes it to where she has no presence amongst black engene twt, which is such a shame what with black engenes bein notorious for havin skulls full of sour skittles. Can't stand them niggas like from the tweets I've seen, they literally on the course to bein kmusicandblackwomen disciples like black atinys and musty ass black stays. And I got a bone to pick with engenes over them bein so fuckin corny like omg it's literally so bad that I refuse to watch 'sunghoon funny moments' vids on youtube even though I want to but if I click on any of them damn videos, the editing gone be so damn corny that it's gone take me out of enjoyin sung bein funny and listen, ion wanna deal with that shit. Grateful for armys just lettin the funny moments speak for themselves, instead, of doin alladat corny ass editing that waters down the funniness rather than bolsters it.


He's always at his shyest and most anxious when he's dealing with a crowd and god, is this place fuckin' packed. Riki holds Momo's hand to keep her by his side, terrified at the thought of getting separated from his stepsister.

Momo smiles up at her younger stepbrother, giving his hand a comforting squeeze. She's not the biggest fan of crowds herself, nose curling at the off-putting smell of B.O., letting out an internal sigh at gamers, once again, letting her down. What with gamers refusing to adhere to basic hygiene, it's best she give up hope of the gaming community's reputation ever improving. It's Mina's big day today, though, so she could deal with a few hours of nasal assault.

The teenager feels his anxiety ebb away, finding himself studying with intrigue the video game character hats and shirts adorning the bodies of the video game enthusiasts milling about. Some were even dressed from head-to-toe in full-on character costumes, the dancer mumbling a "Cool" at the sight of a man in a well-done Link cosplay. He pauses at a sudden feeling in his body.


Momo pockets her phone, smiling sweetly at her younger brother as she gives an encouraging squeeze of his hand. "Hm? What is is it, Riki?"

Brandishing a sheepish smile, the young boy says, "I have to go to the bathroom."

Momo instantly drops his hand, crossing her arms over her ample chest as she shoots the boy a look. "I asked you if you had to go to the bathroom on our way up here."

Riki kicks at the ground, head bowed. "...I know."

She rolls her eyes. "And this is exactly why I told you to not drink that giant slushie."

Gamers need love, tooTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon