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everything in english will be in italics

waiting in the airport, chloe's plane was to land in 10 minutes, waiting at the entrance of the meeting place for the british girl, nerves reeking from every part of soohyun's being.

she hadn't seen the girl in almost a year, hoping that she wouldn't mess anything up, even if she would understand the korean's nerves and words, being friends with soohyun, chloe knew of her 'problems', even if the older did say multiple times that it's okay if they hug, chloe knew when to stop and when not to hug at all.

hearing the announcement from the speakers that chloe's plane has landed and opened its doors for the passengers, soohyun immediately averted her brown eyes to the direction of the brits' plane tunnel.

as soon as their eyes landed on each other, soohyun immediately brightened up and started smiling waiting for her best friend, "chloe!" soohyun shouted, hugging her best friend as soon as she could. the girls headed for baggage claim for chloe's bags.

they got our of incheon's International airport and right into a cafe nearby, setting chloe's bags in soohyun's car. the duo entered the breakfast cafe where her, minho and seungmin went to a couple of weeks ago.

since it is 9:43am, and they've only just now ordered their food; they were deciding what to do next. "around what time should we do the surprise?" chloe asked soohyun due to her knowing their mutual's time table.

"maybe, in the evening? i know their dance practice ends around 7pm. we could surprise jisung and the boys when they're done with the practice or hours before it all finishes." soohyun suggested, chloe immediately nodding furiously.

"shall we order a cake to the restaurant?" the brit proposed to the older girl. soohyun liking the idea, she agreed. "i know you're not in the legal age of drinking in korea but i could snatch you some glasses of soju from time to time?" soohyun giggled at the thought of drunk chloe and jisung, making out.

"oo yes! i want to take flowers to jisung, should foxgloves do? with a small note saying 'from yours truly' with a heart at the end?" chloe asked for soohyun's opinion. the olders eyes lighting up in awe, in admiration on how chloe loved her soulmate to the point of getting him flowers. chloe wasn't the one to give gifts, so it surprised soohyun a lot.

"you sure? i mean, to be honest he would love it but they're a bit on the expensive side here." soohyun wanted to make sure chloe wasn't wasting her limited money, even if it did mean a lot to her brother to be gifted his favourite flowers.

"yeah, i dont mind. especially when it comes to either you or jisung." chloe said, making soohyun blush a bit from the unexpected statement. "oh shush. spend it only on my dumb ass brother. he deserves it more" the older giggled.

"it could also be a hint for tomorrow, y'know? a small sweet, but subtle hint" both giggled at the sweet thought of seeing jisung happy.

"speaking of the devil, mans facetiming me. i suppose he's got a break." soohyun said, making chloe shut up instantly,"what are you waiting for?! answer it!" chloe jerked for the older to answer it.

"what you want asswipe?" soohyun said monotone.

"wow, what a way to greet your brother." jisung and soohyun giggled, making him roll his eyes at his sisters words.

"its a genuine question!" she softly raised her voice, smiling at the other han sibling.

"we wanted to know, since you haven't been in the company a bit, was wondering if you wanted to have dinner at the halmoni's small restaurant a couple blocks away from the dorms. the one with cat pictures" jisung explained.

soohyun looked at chloe, waiting for her answer if it was okay for her to go, the younger nodded as if giving her a 'go ahead, i'll be fine' sign.

"hello??? what are you looking at dumbass? is someone there with you?" jisung asked his older sister, noticing that she hadn't answered to his question in a couple of minutes.

"ahh, yes, sorry. im out on a date right now, so not concentrating on you, as always. but sure. when do you guys finish practice today?" soohyun asked his brother, giving him all his attention.

"my sister, on a date? what is this??" jisung said, grabbing most of his members' attention. including chan's, who's heart dropped to the bottom of his foot.

'had soohyun found her soulmate, why is she on a date with a random person?' chan's mind went in circles. feeling more miserable by the second.

"oh shut up, am i not allowed to have friends? me and her are together most of today and tomorrow so wont have any time for you guys, im sorry. but i'll make it to dinner tonight. what time tho? stop changing the subject dumbass." soohyun explained, scolding her brother in the process.

"i suppose around 5pm? we finish at 4.30pm, but we have to take showers and get ready for dinner. i suppose meet up with us at the restaurant then?" jisung declared, his sister agreeing in the process.

"alright. i'll order food to her afterwards, before we leave then. i'll see you guys then." soohyun ended the video call with his brother, immediately a set of giggles were released by both of the girls.

the girls dug immediately in their food as soon as it touched the table, not forgetting to thank the workers before eating. after they were done with their food, soohyun took chloe to her place.

last time chloe was in seoul, she had to sleep at the dorms, not that she didn't mind, but it was nice to have a place to her and soohyun, thinking she couldn't handle the boys' bickering for nights on end.

994 words

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