"Niggas out this bitch being Lovey Dovey and shit come on Pink muthafucka" Pooter yelled from the door step.

"Aye you a bitch" I laughed grabbing Tee hand pushing her infront of me a little bit going up into the house.

"Tee yo forehead hella big yo" Pooter joked as we walked in the trap.

"Ian in the mood" Tee said rolling her eyes.

"Get the fuck on nobody got time for that shit"I said bucking at him.

"Aye whatever who the fuck pissed in hall corn flakes" He said throwing his hands up walking away.

"Lock the door T" I said.

"I know Tone" She said as she went up the stairs.

I watched her go up the stairs and waited to hear the door close. I made my way into the basement looking for what the fuck I came here for.

"Yoo" I said making my presence known.

"Sup" Heem said as he walked up to me dapping me up.

"It smell some funky ass niggas been walking round with they ass open down this bitch" Ray said as she loaded some clips.

"Hell yeah niggas needa light a candle assum" Heem said scrunching up his nose.

"You finna make love or kill a nigga talking bout some fuckn candles" Our homeboy Zig said .

"Y'all a trip" I laughed shaking my head at them.

"Ight We got two niggas we pressed em but they anit saying shit so what the move is" Zig said looking us.

"Kill em the fuck else" I said.

"Mane but we need some thing you can always get a nigga to talk just need the right shit" Heem said.

"I be back" I said.

I left out making my way up the stairs coming into the kitchen grabbing my syrup off the counter pouring it into my cup. Sitting in my thoughts my phone dinged peeping that Dino sent me the pictures i asked for.

I grabbed my cup making my way upstairs into the office Tee was in unlocking the door seeing her slumped on the couch in the corner with the trash can beside her.

"Wassup love you good" I said as I lightly tapped her to wake her up.

"Yea-" She was saying until her vomit cut her off.

"You not you been like this for almost a week mane" I said shaking my head while i held her hair up as she hunched over the trash can.

"Just let me get you a test T all you been doing is sleeping throwing up not eating cmon" I said.

"No I said i'm not pregnant i prolly just got the flu or some i'm good" She said in defense.

"Ight come with me right quick" I said helping her off the floor.

"Ew you tryna kiss me and i just threw up" She said laughing

"I kiss you after you suck my d-" I was saying til she got me off.

"OK OK" she said.

I grabbed her hand making our way to the basement so i can get shit done and go i'm bout tired asl.

"It stink ian going down there" She said once i opened the basement door.

"Go damn" I said pushing her a little.

"Wassup T" Heem said soon we got down there.

"Hey y'all" she said and they nodded they head back at her

far from itजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें