I had already given the compass to Chas. It lied deep inside the pocket of her trademark tattered skinny jeans.

“Stayed here…deep in the forest in the middle of nowhere,” Blaze continued as Stacy shivered.

“Come here,” Cruz held Stacy’s hand, “I’m there with you. Don’t get so scared.”

It was rather surreal that I was hearing a legendary story while walking in the woods. We had almost forgotten to collect the branches for the task.

“Mr. Jenson lived here with his wife and two daughters. One sad day he…” Blaze’s voice broke.

“He?” I prodded Blaze as we all walked closely huddled together.

“He came back from his job and axed each and every body part of his wife and children and then he shot himself,” Blaze said.

I removed his arm from my shoulder and shot him a dirty look, “That is such a fake story.”

Stacy was looking uncertainly at all of us, “Uh…guys I think it’s true.”

“Rubbish,” Chas shook her head furiously.

“It would be better if you guys thought this story is fake,” Zack shrugged.

“It 's said that his spirit still haunts these woods looking for a victim…and the screams of his wife and his children can be heard at night,” Eric said.

“We've to be careful,” Blaze nodded.

The story they had told us seemed a little spooky. The woods seemed to add an ominous backdrop for the story. It seemed a little too real at that time. I didn’t believe it of course. Those boys were just trying to scare us girls. But what if the legend was true? In horror movies the victims never believed a word of their delirious friends. Then they ended up dead. Anything seemed to be possible at that dreary place.

“Enough chit chat, let’s get working now,” I said picking up a branch to divert my attention away from the horrible thoughts.

“Yeah, we need to work,” Chas agreed.

“I’m s-scared,” Stacy stammered leaning herself totally on Cruz’s shoulder.

“I’m there for you,” Cruz smiled at Stacy and she managed to smile back.

We were all collecting as much branches as we could silently because no one wanted to talk about the Jenson’s haunting story.

All of a sudden I heard a sound of crunching leaves. It seemed others had heard it as well.

“It’s Mr. Jenson,” Stacy cried out.

“Shush,” Chas scolded Stacy as we all stood rooted to our spot.

I would've had a heart attack if Mr. Jenson’s ghost showed up right there. Alright, the thought of vengeful spirits freaked me out. It would have scared anyone at that moment.

The sound of the heavy footsteps were coming nearer. Stacy had clamped her hand over her mouth to stop herself from screaming. We could see nothing, thanks to the large trees in front of us. So when we saw an outline of a dirty white torn cloth we all screamed out loud.

“AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” All of us screamed on the tops of our lungs.

“What in the world?” the reply came from the white cloth. Or should I say from the person wearing the white cloth.

‘Mr. Jenson’ was actually a girl from our class followed by her team. She had chosen to wear a ghostly white loose top which was a little torn and dirty due to the task. She managed to squeeze herself between two trees to come towards us.

“Why were you guys screaming?” she asked confused and so did her team mates.

“It’s a long story,” I sighed.



“Plan A is complete,” Zack gave a thumps up to me as the girls screamed looking at the white cloth peeping at us from behind the trees right in front of us. Everyone was bewildered, so, they didn't notice us boys grinning ear to ear behind them.

“This is just the beginning,” I smirked.


Authors note :Okay smile now please :) I posted this chapter late but I couldn’t help it as I had my exams. Now my exams are over so expect a lot uploads now! YAY! Oh btw I have this amazing idea so listen up guys. I thought I could interview Tiana, Chas, Blaze, Zack and Marylyn from this book. I know they are not real but wth let’s pretend they are. You guys post questions that you want to ask from the characters in this book and you will get an answer from them. How cool is that! So ask up guys the characters from “This Cinderella is a Player” are just waiting to answer your questions and they will try to answer each and every question. I will also mention your name in front of the question you asked in the interview chappie ^_^

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