The bad situation

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After years later Anna She became a young girl, but she created with a fear of confronting what people think of her Because people's looks do not hide from her. After the girl became 14 years old, she met a young man named Harry. Harry was several years older than her, but he was the first person she loved, that is, her first love. Harry and I became a relationship after 3 months of They got to know each other. I sensed the meaning of life, which was missing its beautiful scent. It began to change for the better. It began to change its characteristics and its introversion decreased, and all because of Harry. Thank you. The important thing is what follows after a period of relationship.Problems began to fall on Anna's head, as her family discovered her relationship with the boy Harry, and they were very reluctant to do so. And after this, Anna's suffering returned again, something terrible! How can the girl convince her family that she loves this boy so much? No thoughts come to her mind. He says I love you crazy, and I will not leave you no matter what, and here the girl encouraged and returned to her relationship with that boy, and after a while the same first situation happened, and the parents knew about the relationship, but this time Anna broke her silence and stood in the face of her family, saying: I did not and did not love anyone but him, and I will continue to love him until death. Will you choose me or will you You will choose my death, the girl was severely beaten by her father, her family for two months, but she came back to the boy again, what a foolish fool! And this time, when the family found out about her, they decided to respect her opinion and talk to the boy
You know how long their story has been here, two whole years, to go back to basics. Anna's dad went to Harry and asked him some questions.Ordinary, are your feelings sincere towards my daughter? Do you really want to marry her? The answer was yes in all questions Yes, here the bitter truth will begin. After that short meeting, Harry's shadow did not appear again. He even changed his phone number once, a month, two months, and Anna is still waiting for Harry until Wednesday, October 28, 2021. In order for the girl to know the compelling truth about Harry, she found him on a date with another girl, that he is a traitor and a liar. After that, Anna's psychological condition worsened and she entered into severe depression because of that situation in which she fell, as she found herself in a difficult situation with Her family, on the other hand, was surprised by what her eyes saw, She still can't believe what she saw. Is this the truth? Harry is a traitor! This is what came to her mind. The poor girl remained in severe depression for a long time, until she tried to commit suicide, and everything she built and built with that idiot was demolished in an instant. It is very difficult to accept this. Months and days passed, Anna's condition began to stabilize and she began to improve. Finally, the smile returned to her beautiful face.God does not forget one of His righteous servants, and we will not overlook the fact that Anna was a righteous girl who performs her prayers and reads her Qur'an. The important thing is that Anna met a friend who was a little far from her, but she became a better and dearer person to her heart.Her friend was named Nina and they were best friends! Nina helped Anna get over her miserable condition, get back on her feet, and get up again With turning the page and starting to write a new story in her life

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