"You are right; I will try harder." They smiled at Sorewn's words." All right, while you're doing that, I'll go talk to John." Neytiri said before standing up. The girls gave her a nod before watching her walk away.


Sorewn turned to Slaîma, who had just finished her breakfast and was weaving something when Neytiri left to find John.

"I must go talk to Roy while she's doing that." Slaîma smiled as Sorewn said this. "Go to him; I've got this." She told the teen, and Sorewn smiled before fleeing. Slaîma watched her walk away, thinking to herself, Young love.

Sorewn hurried around the village in search of Roy. When she couldn't find him, she turned to the human base, knowing he'd be there.

As a result, she went there first. When she arrived, her suspicions were confirmed: he was sitting by the water, examining something. She closed her eyes for a moment before approaching him.

Roy looked up to see her approaching him with a smile on her face. She knelt next to him, watching what he was doing.

"What's going on with you?" He said, and she smiled before telling him how her day was." Oh, nothing, I just finished breakfast. How is your day going?" He smiled as she asked.

"My day is going well, thank you. Every day, I'm learning something new, and it's fascinating." He told her, and she nodded slightly; luckily, her human friend Sam had taught her a few words of English, but she was still struggling.

"So, are you happy?" He looked at her, puzzled, before realizing she was still new to human language. He was so naive not to realize this." I am happy." He said to her and she smiled as she watched him look at different things in the water.

"So, I've been thinking about it for a while, and-" She came to a halt, which he noticed as he sat his belongings beside him to look at her. "What's that?" He asked, and she looked at him, a slight blush on her face.

"I was hoping you'd like to hang out with me someday." When she asked, his eyes widened. When she saw him do that, she assumed she'd be rejected. She closed her eyes to keep the tears from forming in her eyes.

"Never mind, forget what I said." She told him quickly and was about to leave when he grabbed her arm. " No! No! Please accept my apologies for my silence. Yes, I'd like to hang out with you someday." He said, and she nodded towards him with a smile on her face.

"Fine, I'll see you then." He inquired, and she smiled and nodded. " Great." She said this before bolting, hoping to find something to wear for their hang out. Roy chuckled as he watched her run away before returning to his research.

When Sorewn returned to Slaîma, the mother saw the teenage girl, who was beaming from ear to ear. As Sorewn picked up her belongings, she smirked.

"I'm guessing he said yes because you're smiling so much?" She questioned, and Sorewn nodded, unable to contain her excitement. "Yes, I am so happy." Slaîma smirked as Sorewn said this.

"All right, now come on. We promised to teach my son how to hunt." Sorewn nodded and followed the mother.


John sat in his home, sharpening his knife. He looked up to see Neytiri had entered. As she sat next to him, he smiled.

"How are you and the baby doing?" He asked, and she smiled as he placed his hand on her stomach. " We're doing great." She told him as she looked behind her to see everyone doing their own thing.

"What's the matter?" He questioned, noticing something was wrong with her. She smiled as she turned to face him. "I was with the girls this morning, and Slaîma asked me a very interesting question." He frowned as Neytiri told him.

"Did she say anything?" He asked, his eyebrow raised. " On forming a clan. I mean, you brought all of these people together, and she was thinking, maybe we should give ourselves a name." He looked at her when she told him.

"And what do you suggest?" He asked, returning to sharpening his knife. " Let us make this our clan."You can be the Olo'eyktan and I can be the Tsahìk." She told him and he frowned.

"Is that another word for leaders?" He asked, and she nodded. "I was already training to be Tsahìk at home. My father was Olo'eyktan, and I can teach you how to be one." She told him, and he immediately stopped what he was doing to think about it.

"Is this what everyone wants?" He returned his gaze to her. " Everyone already sees you as a leader, ma John. You have protected us and allowed us to get this far. The girls think it's a good idea." She said, smiling at him.

"And you'll teach me how to be this Olo'eyktan?" When John asked, she nodded. " Fine. So I guess I can go along with this plan. But did you come up with a name for it?" He asked, and she smiled as she nodded.

"I was considering Fawewä." He smiled as he repeated what she had said. "I like the name." He said, and she gave him a soft smile. "Fawewä it is." She kissed him on the lips as he said this.

"Then we should go tell everyone about it." Neytiri said, and he nodded. "I hope we're doing the right thing." He told her, and she gave him a look. "We are, ma John." She said this before getting up.

He followed her out of their house, holding hands, and headed towards the people to inform them of the news.


The two are able to gather everyone around the bonfire. Neytiri turned around to see Sorewn staring at them with a big smile on her face.

Something appears to have brightened her day.

Neytiri noticed Roy approaching to stand next to her as the poor girl blushed. Neytiri smirked before realizing he was the reason.

I guess I know what it is now.

"Thank you all for coming. Today, my wife, Neytiri, and I made a decision concerning our home." Everyone began whispering, wanting to know what he was talking about.

"I know you all consider this place to be your home. A place where you feel safe enough to raise your children. We've made the decision to make our home a real place. So we came up with a name for ourselves." He said this as Neytiri repeated everything he said in Na'vi because half of the humans didn't bother learning the language.

"We're calling it, Fawewä, and we're forming it into a clan. A place where humans and Na'vi can coexist peacefully." He finished talking as Neytiri finished repeating everything he said.

The two lovers waited for everyone's reaction and noticed that everyone began cheering. They smiled and sighed. It made them happy to know that everyone was on board.

"I guess we're officially a clan now." Neytiri said as she turned to face him." We certainly are. I can't wait to raise our children here." He said, and she smiled back. "Me too, John."

Me too.

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