Ch.11 Don't Let Your Gaurd Down

Start from the beginning

"Its just simply to hot." I said and put another bag of popcorn in the microwave.

"Why do you have that tatt and why does it have and 's' on the end? Who else has it?" He asked when I had my back turned to him and my heart beat got a little faster.

"Well Violet and We have it because we wanted to I guess." I said pulling my bag out of the microwave.

I set the bag of popcorn on the table and I noticed he was mad.

"Why in Gods name do you have scars on you back in the shape of 3 claw marks?" He asked pissed and I was shocked.

He was the one who did it. He was drunk and he shifted then clawed me. I haven't told him because I knew he wouldn't care.

"You won't believe me but it was you. It was the summer before I left but you were too drunk to remember." I said quietly and his expression changed.

"No no no. I'm so sorry Annie." He put his hand on my cheek and I looked in his eyes.

"Hey, I don't even care anymore and plus, it happened a while ago. You have changed and I can feel it." I said and gave him a peck on the lips and heard the door open.

"Were home!" Cisco yelled and I grabbed my popcorn.

"Oh my god Annie are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Violet came rushing to me checking to see if I was okay.

"Damn girl! I'm fine and no he didn't hurt me." I looked up at the guys and everyone but Kevin was staring at my body.

Instead, he headed in the kitchen and I noticed Milo was there too.

"Hey Mils." I said and they all snapped out of it.

"Hey Annie." He said low and I just smiled at how he was thinking about earlier.

"Anyway." Tony said going in the kitchen.

"OH MY GOD!" I heard Tony yell and we all rushed in the kitchen to see him on the floor laughing.

"Whats so damn funny?" I asked.

"You. Guys. Totally. Did. It." He said between laughs and my face blushed.

"We did not! Ugh!" I stormed out of the room and up to my room. I opened and slammed the door in frustration.

I took a shower and climbed into bed. I shut my eyes and just fell asleep.

I woke up around 5:00a.m. and just decided to take a shower.

When I got out, I noticed Violet was still sleeping so I was extra quiet. I walked out the door and downstairs. I noticed the light was on and walked in the kitchen to find no one in the there.

I got out a chocolate bar and started to eat it. Yah I know such a healthy breakfest. I saw movement out of the corner of my eye and I wiped my head in that direction to find Kevin standing there.

"Why are you up so early?" He asked.

"Couldn't I ask you the same thing?" I asked and sneered.

"Touchè." He smiled and sat by me.

"I'm nervous." I admitted and he looked at me confused.

"About what?" He asked and swung his arm around my shoulder.

"About Justin going to school. Not about heat, but about all the other girls I guess." I looked down and he huffed.

"Hey don't let your gaurd down cause he is an unpredictable one. You should be nervous." He said.

"Thanks for the advise bro, you know you should be a theropist. You totally know how to make someone feel better and solve problems." I said sarcastically and he grinned.

"Anytime sis. Anytime." He patted my back then walked upstairs to wake up the others.

I ran a hand through my hair and got up. I bent over and pulled my hair into a pony tail. I made myself upright again and just kinda stood there until I heard comotion coming downstairs.

"No way dude." I heard Zack say.

"Yah way man. She was totally checkin me out." Cisco said and I saw them round the corner and I burst out laughing.

"Like oh my god. So he asked me for a pencil and he like totally likes me. Oh my god." I mimicked in a girly girl voice and twirled and flipped my hair then laughed at them again.

I laughed harder and clutched my stomach and laughed harder.

"Whoowee thats some funny shiznitz right there." I leand against the island and watched them glare at me.

"Whatever." Cisco said frustrated with me.

"Oh no he did-nt." I did the 4 snaps in the "Z" formation and put a hand on my hip.

He mumbled somthing before storming off and I just shook my head.

"Well what crawled up your ass and died?!?" I yelled at him and Zack and I burst into laughter.

Everyone came downstairs while me and him were still laughing. Justin wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I love it when you laugh." He said in my ear and I smiled.

"Don't get to excited." I pecked him on the lips and patted his cheek before walking to get my keys.

"Who is going with who?" I asked hoping Violet would ride with me but knew she wouldn't.

No one offered to ride with me and that took me back a little considering my own mate didn't want to ride with me. That didn't make me feel so feel so great, it made me feel a little upset and pissed off.

"Alrighty then." I said agitated and left through the garage door and out to my car. I opened the garage and pulled out then drove to school blasting my car as always.

I pulled up and saw Avery and her slutt crew there. I mentally grunted and turned off the radio and pluged in my headphones. I grabbed my bag got out of the car. I felt their eyes on me but I ignored them and walked inside.

I went to my locker and got the crap I needed then headed to class. As I set my stuff down on my desk, Milo came storming in and over to me. I turned my music off and took my earbuds out of ears and put them away.

"Annie, you have to see this." He said breathlessly and I followed him.

We walked to an empty hallway. Well

Almost empty. What I saw was shocking, but at the same time, it wasn't.

I saw Justin and Avery in yet again, another heavy heat make-out session.

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