The Investigations (fuck around)

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(authors note, I thought frank was non-binary so I keep saying “they” for them in this story, so just assume frank is non-binary pls.)
“I dunno, I'm just worried I guess,” Julie says while hopscotching.
“I'm sure it's nothing too peculiar, Wally’s smart enough to keep himself out of too much trouble,” Frank replied, only half paying attention, watching as a caterpillar cocoons itself on the bottom of a sunflower leaf.
“It's just not like him, he’s always so put together.” Julie sighed, “maybe you're right. I mean, everyone has off days, right? Maybe it's just one of those days.”
Frank paused, looking over at Julie. She, despite her carefree nature, seems more concerned.
“...nevermind, what are you writing?” Julie asked, mentioning the journal Frank held in their hands.
“Oh- well, I'm studying the caterpillar's chrysalis. I’ve seen a few fall off of the leaves they were on, and was wondering if it had to do with the cocoon itself, or the types of leaves.”
Julie walked over to Frank, looking at their book. “How many times have you done this?” she asked, perplexed.
“It's good to have a good amount of data when investigating something, most others might even ask around, see if they’ve seen something similar.” Frank sighed “but at last, there are not many neighbors who are as interested in caterpillars as me.”
Julie stared at the paper for a little longer. “So, asking around would give you a clearer picture of what you’re dealing with?” she asked, slowly.
“Well yes- why?” Frank saw that look in Julie's eye, one he was familiar with.
“I have an idea,” she said, before grabbing onto his hand and dragging him to the first person she thought of.


“Why are we running!” Frank asked, slightly out of breath. He wasn't exactly one for physical exercise, as he spent most of his days inside, or just doing short sprints to catch a butterfly, but rarely full-on running.
“Barnaby!” Julie said, letting go of Frank's hand as they stopped in front of Howdy's store.
“Wha- but he- lives right- next to- us,” Frank replied in between breaths. “Why?” was all he was able to make out.
“Oh! Well, he's usually around here at this time, getting a hotdog." Julie shrugged. At that moment, Barnaby walked out of the exact store. “Hey! Barnaby, can we ask you a question?” she said.
“I don't know, can you?” he replied, playfully. Julie giggled. “You know what I meant! But seriously, we have serious questions.” she said, going serious, “it's about wally.”
Barnaby nodded, “you’ve noticed too?”
“So there IS something!” Julie practically jumped up. “What's going on? Has he told you?” Julie gasp’s, before speaking in a panicked whisper, “did we forget his birthday?”
Barnaby shook his head, “no! His birthday isn't for a while now.” he laughed a little, “I don't know what’s going on with the little guy. He hasn't told me anything. It's…concerning.”
Frank, finally catching their breath, turned to a new page in his journal. “Really? What specific behaviors have you noticed?” Frank said, readying their pen.
Barnaby hesitated. “Well…I'm gonna feel like a bad friend for revealing this but…you know how wally doesn't have any mirror’s at home?”
Julie had a look of recognition on her face, “oh yeah! He would spend hours looking in the mirror,” she said, affectionately, but teasingly.
“Well-” Barnaby hesitated, lowering his voice. “Last week something…concerning happened.”

Julie and Frank stared at him, waiting for his next words.

“Well…I had been able to get him to come out of home, and I guess… he seemed a little unkempt. Like he was rushing, but honestly not that unusual for us. I and him are best friends I suppose, so I just figured that he felt comfortable enough to not be perfect." Barnaby paused, letting Frank write down their notes before he continued.

“Wally has a problem with his reflection. He…well, not only does he spend hours trying to make himself look perfect, but he goes to extremes sometimes, or sometimes he’ll just stare with his…upsetting look in his eye. It’s gotten better, but recently he had an incident…. He had seen a few of the flyways in his hair, and when he couldn't fix them, he tried to snip a few of them off.”

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