8. Tear in my heart (I'm alive)

Start from the beginning

"That's flattering Gennie, thank you, even if you are with Cole." Fred said with a smirk.

"I was talking about your niece, but whatever floats your boat." Gennie rolled her eyes.

Maia was in a cute red and black spotted dress, a tiny headband over her frizzy red hair with little mice patterned across it. "So that's where you and Cole went yesterday, to get her a dress!" I exclaimed.

"Uh, sure," George said shiftily, avoiding my eye.

"George Weasley, please don't tell me you were buying me a ring," Lacey said fondly. "We talked about this; we'll wait a few years."

"I didn't buy you a ring!" George said quickly.

"I would have said yes if you did, by the way." Lacey added her tone hopeful that George was actually going to propose to her.

"Nah, I'm not Lace, I would be sweating like a pig if I had an engagement ring in my jacket." George snorted.

"When I eventually get married, I won't bother with all of this-"Fred waved his hand at the tent. "I'm wearing jeans and you can all wear whatever you want."

"First, you need to find a girlfriend." I said dryly, and everyone laughed.

"Well there are a few vela cousins there; I suppose I should help them out." Fred craned his neck as more Delacour cousins arrived.

"I'll see you two later, I have three kids to take care of." Lacey rolled her eyes and hand-in-hand with George they followed Fred, who was speaking in an awful French accent to some girls.

"Wotcher, girls." Tonks and Remus were now approaching us, hands intertwined. Tonks was now curly and blond. "Sorry about last night." Tonks whispered to me. "The Ministry is being very anti-werewolf at the moment."

"You alright, dad?" Gennie said with a frown, and I noticed how miserable Remus looked.

"Yes, yes, Genesis, I'm fine." Remus said, though he sounded distant. "I'll see you later."

"Talk later," Tonks mouthed at Gennie who nodded eagerly, as Tonks looked very happy in contrast to her husband.

"What's going on there?" I asked Gennie.

"Who knows? It must be good news, though." Gennie said excitedly.

A tall man with white blonde hair approached us, a strange triangle necklace around his neck. "Xenophilius Lovegood," he said in a dreamy voice. "You know my daughter, Luna?"

"Yeah," Gennie said. "Is she with you?"

"She lingered in that charming little garden to say hello to the gnomes, such a glorious infestation!"

"They know a lot of swear words, but I think Fred and George told them that." Gennie said sheepishly.

Luna rushed up behind her father with her usual radish earrings and dreamy smile, "Hello, Aurora!" she said brightly.

Freezing, I stammered, "Uh-Uh, my name is Lena."

"Oh, have you changed that too?" she asked brightly.

"I-how did you know?"

"You're wearing that locket you always wear." Luna pointed to my mother's locket, and I wrapped my hand around it, guilty I was already giving myself away.

"I like your dress, Luna." I smiled; she was wearing a long yellow dress with sunflowers going through her long blonde hair.

"I told Daddy most people would probably wear dress robes, but he believes you ought to wear sun colours to a wedding, for luck, you know."

Obliviate my Destiny {Book 5}Where stories live. Discover now