What's Left Behind

Start from the beginning

He finally turns back. He's halfway into putting on his coat, cap casting a shadow over his eyes fixed on mine. He's indirectly avoiding my gaze.


"We can't do this forever." I whisper. And the moment I say that his entire figure tenses.

"Yes, we can. And we will."

"...no." I say, slowly clasping my hand around his. My fingers interlock. "We can't. There's going to be times where we'll just have to be apart. Just a little."

His brows knit together.

"Let's just go, Aeri. I—"

"Savings are going to run out eventually."

He freezes.

"I've already talked to Rin about helping out at the store, since her mother is growing old. Are you going to come with me even when I work? It's just not— it can't, Tae. We can't."

His eyes waver.

"You— you're going to work?"

"I have to." I say, reminding him again. "Remember, nothing weird. Just a couple hours helping around at the store, and I—"

I can see the stress and panic on his expression even before I even finish talking.


Stopping my words, I slowly wrap my arms around him. He breathes shakily, running a heavy hand down his face.

He knows that he has to let me go sometime. He just doesn't want to— and is trying to deny that as long as possible.

"Remember there's nothing for me to leave you again." I whisper, feeling him shudder. "No bombs, no nothing. And I've been by myself in the Underground for a long time."

"...don't remind me."

I pout again.

"And I know that you've been calling rain checks whenever Jimin and Jungkook wants you to hang out because of me, too."

His eyes widen slightly.

"Yes, I know." I continue, winking. "Also know that there's one of those today. You have to go— don't you understand just how much they've done for us?"

"I'll be home, okay? I'm giving you the one-time permission as your wife to get drunk tonight with your friends."

His head turns to the side, and I hear grumbling.

"I don't want to get drunk anyways."

I make a small sound.

"Aw. For me, though?"

His lips press together. And I hide a smile when he bends, his figure enveloping mine as he kisses me softly.

"For you."


"Oh, V."

I'd even sent him out too, picking out a pretty coat for him and fixing his hair before he'd left. I should've expected— that things wouldn't change this easily.

I'd come out to take out the trash just twenty minutes later when I find him wandering aimlessly around the apartment. His eyes widen when he sees me, before flickering away from humiliation.

His hands are deep in his pockets.

It's so cold outside, too. His ears are already pink with the cold, and his cheeks are flushed red from their usual pale complexion. His lips are tinged blue.

"I can't."

I pull him closer. His body is already freezing, with how long he'd been standing out here. Had he just been...

The shame.

His expression is full of it.

"I'm sorry, Aeri."

"No, no." I whisper. And I almost melt watching him like this. I quickly take him into my arms, pulling him back towards the apartment. The entire time I'm touching him, trying to warm his icy skin.

"You should've just told me. Were you going to stand outside this entire time?"

Only when I click the door shut behind us does his expression fall in relief. It's so subtle, but I notice it.

And it breaks my heart.

"I don't know." He whispers. "You wanted me to, so I didn't want to..."

He sighs softly.

"I disappointed you."

"No, you didn't." I say firmly. "Honestly I'm more offended that you didn't come back in— look how cold you are."

I sit him down on the couch. The air outside is completely chilled with winter, and I just can't believe...

His eyes widen when I sit down on his lap. His hands instinctively go around the curves of my waist as I press my hands against his cheeks, trying to warm them up. A soft blush climbs up his neck.

"Aeri, I—"

"You're the one who chooses to leave me first this time." I say. "I won't make you do anything again. You make the decision."

I'd been wrong, pushing him like that when I knew he wasn't ready.

I tilt my head, my eyes searching his face.

"I'm just worried you're going to catch a cold from that."

He stares back. And my eyes slowly shift from searching for sickness to just admiring how beautiful he is. How different he looks from an year ago, when I'd found him in the Ring.

It had taken so much for him to heal.

I press a hand against his chest, drawing closer as I connect our lips in a kiss. He returns the kiss almost immediately, and I feel heat pool low in my stomach.

I brush his dark locks away from his face, watching his eyes drink me in.

"You're so beautiful."

"I am?"

He nods almost dazedly.

"Then take me to bed."

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