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April's fourth day, a time of renewal,
As winter's grip loosens, and spring's arrival is dual,
The earth awakens from its slumber deep,
And in its rebirth, new life does creep.

The flowers, they bloom with colors bright,
A symbol of hope, a joyful sight,
And in their petals, we see the grace,
Of nature's beauty, in every place.

The trees, they bud with leaves anew,
A sign of growth, of change that's true,
And in their branches, we feel the stir,
Of life's renewal, wild and pure.

The birds, they sing in melody sweet,
A symphony of life, a joyful beat,
And in their song, we hear the call,
To live each day, with purpose and all.

The sun, it shines with golden light,
A symbol of warmth, that banishes night,
And in its rays, we find the strength,
To face the world, with courage at length.

So let us embrace this April day,
With open hearts, and spirits gay,
For in this season of rebirth,
We find renewal, and joy on earth.

For life is but a fleeting dream,
A chance to grow, to heal, to glean,
And on this day, we feel the call,
To renew ourselves, and give our all.

April's Tapestry: Weaving Joy and RenewalOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz