She was currently playing on her iPad that me and Robbie got her to play some learning games on to help improve her speech and things like that, as I was reading a parenting blog about the benefits of some apps.

Although me and Robbie do limit her screen time to 1 hour a day, as we both agree that it's unhealthy for such young children to constantly have their heads stuck in an iPad or television, when they should be playing and just enjoying being a kid.

Me and Robbie talk quietly in the front of the car while Lucy is occupied with her learning games, not even noticing when we park up outside of the doctors surgery.

"We're here, princess." Robbie speaks up, making our daughter look up from her iPad at him and then outside the window to gauge her surroundings.

That must be partly a trauma response as I've noticed any time that Lucy is in a room or especially a new place, she is constantly on high alert which is probably due to the unsafe environment she was born into.

"Ma-Wizzie carry?" She quickly corrects the slip up, which I had been noticing was happening more and more often, but me and Robbie never commented as we wanted her to do things in her own time and call us 'mama' and 'dada' when she felt comfortable to.

"Of course I'll carry you sweetheart, just give me a second." I grab my purse before getting out of the car and walking around to Lucy's side, picking her up into my arms and making sure I left the elephant in the car so we didn't accidentally loose her, while Robbie locks up the car.

As soon as Lucy is in my arms she hides her little face in between my breasts, making me chuckle lightly and smile as I rub her back softly, and then hold Robbie's hand as we walk into the doctors surgery.

As soon as we enter the building, we make our way over to the receptionist who was a middle aged looking woman with glasses. "Appointment for Lucy Olsen?" I ask, making the women look up from her computer and then start typing again.

"Doctor Mackintyre will see you shortly." She gives us a tight lipped smile which me and Robbie return, before making our way into the waiting room and sitting on two chairs in the corner, Lucy snuggled up into my lap.

As we are waiting, Robbie is playing peekaboo with Lucy much to her delight, which was very sweet to see.

"Lucy Olsen?" I suddenly hear a voice call, and look up to see a young women who seemed to be in her late twenties with a genuine smile on her face, standing just outside of the waiting room.

"Dat my name..." Lucy whispers to me as I stand up with her, smiling over to the doctor.

"Yeah baby, it is!" I kiss her head softly, following Robbie and Doctor Mackintyre into her little doctors room.

"Mom and dad if you just want to sit down on those two chairs there with Lucy, that would be great." Doctor Mackintyre instructs, pointing to two blue chairs next to a hospital bed.

Me and Robbie both sit down and don't comment on the names, as Lucy goes back to hiding in my chest due to a new person being here.

"Hello, I am Doctor Mackintyre and I will be Lucy's GP, which means that any time Lucy needs to go to the doctors or needs a vaccination I will be the one to see you, unless for whatever reason I am unable and then my duties will fall into the hands of Doctor Weiner." She explains, and out of the corner of my eye I see Robbie bite his lip as he tries not to laugh at the secondary doctors name.

"That's perfect, thank you." I answer for both of us, subtly slapping Robbie's thigh to get him to shut up, which he does, covering his laughing with a cough. "Can you say hi to Doctor Mackintyre, Lu-Lu?"

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