You heal her broken heart and I heal yours, but broke mine Ch 12

Começar do início

Sam looked shocked then he chuckled and turned to Seth, "See? I am pretty sure Tav will do fine. She is stronger than you think!"

He gave me a wink and told the rest of the pack to get some rest before they are on patrols.

I turned to face Seth.

"Don't worry. I will be FINE!"

Then, I went up and changed.

Edward's POV

Alice's eyes were blank for a few mins, then she blinked and looked at me in confusion and...horror.

"What is it?" Jasper asked in a concerned voice, while holding her hands gently.

Alice laid her eyes on me and whispers, "I...I saw...Victoria."

"Where is she right now?" I asked, surprise at how calm I sounded.

"Near La Push. She was outside the pack's windows before." Alice said slowly. "She hasn't decided what to do yet...But, she is coming back for Bella."

The empty silence was uncomfortable and I could hear the concerning thoughts that was going through their minds, well, except for Rosalie. She is...not exactly concerning about Bella's usual.

Carlisle broke the silence, "Where is Bella right now, Edward?"

"She is with the pack at the moment, she should be safe." I replied, although I am worried about her being with the mutt.

"Jacob and the pack will keep her safe, don't worry, Edward." Esme said reassuringly.

I hope so...

Jacob's POV

I growled as I come closer to the smell.

"Jake?" Bella asked in a timid voice.


"What is it? Is it Victoria?" she asked.

I inhaled the air and coughed in disgust.

"Yeah... It's her." I replied.

Bella looked at me, scared.

However, as weak and fragile as she seems, I found myself worrying not for Bella, but for Tav. I know that Tav could probably take better care of herself then Bella can, but I was still concern.

I have to go see Tav...

"Jake...I...what am I supposed to do?" Bella asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Um...Keep yourself alive for your bloodsuc- I mean...Cullen guy. The pack will try their best to keep you safe. Right now, I have to bring you back to the Cullen's." I rushed out; my thoughts were still focused on Tav.

"What? I don't want to go back to Edward." Bella said.

I growled, before I imprinted, I would be so glad Bella chose to stay with me, but now, I was just annoyed, annoyed that Bella was stopping me to protect Tav.

"I have to meet up with the pack now, so you have to be with the Cullen's, Bella." I said, trying to keep my temper.


Without another word, I picked her up and sped over to the Cullen's, keeping my mind on Tav.

Tav's POV

During the whole patrol, all I could hear was Seth's worrying thoughts. Jared and Embry were already far north, still chasing the red head...Victoria. That left Seth and I on patrol, circling around La Push.

Nothing much was happening, until a familiar smell hit me.

I took another sniff and was searching for its location.

Seth, can you smell something?

Tav, I can smell LOTS of things...

I know, but something...that smell likes...



What then??....Wait a second...I think I know what you smell...IT"S...IT"S JACOB!!

All of a sudden, I can feel the magnetic pull, trying to force me to the direction.

I could hear footsteps approaching us and I could smell once more, the familiar sweets smell that I have been missing the past few days.


That dark husky voice that I miss so so much.

The whole imprinting thing came rushing through my head before I could stop it. And before I know it, Jacob had phased and Seth is also behind me.

You imprinted?

Seth sounded shock, well, I would be too.

Tav...So it is real...

Jacob whispered through his mind.

I turned my head away and continued patrolling. imprinted on Jacob and Jacob imprinted on you?

Seth said again in confusion.

NO! I didn't!

I yelled and phased back behind the bush and the last thing I heard was Jacob and Seth calling for me.

Thanks for reading. Please vote and comment. :D

You heal her broken heart and I heal yours, but broke mineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora