chapter two

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As we get home, I immediately step under the shower. Quickly, I wash the sweat of my body, letting the water make it's way down my body. I never really enjoyed showering but after three hours of training you have to.
I get out and wrap a towel around myself. As I'm walking out the bathroom my mother starts shouting.
"There's a dress on your bed"
I look to my left, and see a silky, red dress laying on my bed. Totally not my style but whatever. I put it on and do my makeup and my hair. Just as I'm doing the last touch-ups someone knocks at the door. I hear my mom starting to talk to someone.
"Athena, our guests are here!" shes shouts and I look at myself one last time in the mirror.
The makeup is of course very decent and almost not recognizable. My hair is curled and shiny.
I smile proudly before leaving my room and walking down the stairs.

"Nice to see you here Mr. Hadley" I say while walking down the stairs.
"The pleasure is all mine" he says and shakes my hand. I notice Cato staring at me. I roll my eyes at him as his grin grows even wider, and guide them inside.
"Take a seat" I say and smile at them. They all sit down and I walk into the kitchen to help my mother.
"You look beautiful Athena" my mother says, and claps her hands excitedly.
"Thank you mother," I say. "Can I help you with something?"
"Please entertain our guests"
"Can't you do that?" I ask frowning.
"No, I can't. Now get up and talk to them" she says, giving me the stare.
I let out a sigh and walk back into the room throwing on a fake smile.

"My mother is getting the food ready. Do you need something?"
"No, no thank you. My sons can get it themselves if they want something. A victor shouldn't have to do that" Mr. Hadley says.
"Oh, of course I can. It's no problem really. I'm not that special"
"Of course you are" he says and smiles at me. Please get me out of here.
"Good evening" my brother says entering the room. He's wearing a white shirt and even a bow.
"You look handsome" I say and smile.
"Thank you" he says and takes a seat next to me.
"You must be Altan then. Nice to meet you" Cato's father says and smiles at my brother too. My brother kindly smiles back.
"So, Athena. I heard you're teaching Cato now. Right?" he asks.
"Uhm, yes. I'm now officially a mentor"
"Not only in the academy right? Also in the games this year"
"Yes. It's going to be my first year" I say and smile again.
"Are you excited?"
Absolutely not.
"Yeah, of course. I love the games. Beeing in there has been an incredible experience"
"You know, Cato wants to volunteer this year" he says, and my smile fades. I look over to Cato, who looks at me proudly.
"Does he?" I ask still looking at him.
"Yes. Why? Shouldn't he?" his father asks.
"I mean, he has to know himself if he wants to. That's certainly not my decision" I say and chuckle nervously. The games are not really games. It's killing or be killed. Nothing else.
"Isn't he the best then? I have seen a few trainings and I do belive my son has chances to get picked by Brutus and you. Or not?"
Right, this year I get to pick who to throw in there. Great way to be reminded.
I look over at Cato, who looks a little nervous.
"Uhm, Cato is by far one of the best, if not even the best. He has good potential to be a following victor if he works hard the few months. He just needs to learn a few things and then he should be ready"
I look over at Cato, who lets out a breath of relief. "Thank you" he mouths over, and I smile at him.
"You really think so?"
"Yeah. You should've seen him today at training. The other guy looked pretty bad after hand-to-hand combat"
"Really?" his father asks with a big smile. My brother wants to say something but I put my hand infront of his mouth. I know exactly what he was about to say. Of course he saw Dolio beating up Cato pretty bad. He still has the bruises on his face.
"Yeah. One of my best" I say. It is certainly not a lie. Cato is very talented and skilled but we need to work on his ego and arrogance. If he keeps going like that, then he's going to get killed in there. That's what happend to Elias. He was to arrogant and too self-confident.
"I belive with you as a mentor. Cato has very good chances. Even though Enobaria has more experience"
"Yes but she wanted me to do this. She said it herself that I would be a better choice. I need to learn it somehow"
"Of course. Maybe you two can mentor together one day" his father says. He's sure his son is going to come back but I'm not. How can he be so sure after all?
"If you would excuse me. I'm going to help my mother" I say with a smile and leave the table. I walk by the kitchen and open the door towards the garden.

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