The man that travelled behind her made my breathing hitch. He was tall and of muscular build, it was clear that he took pride in his fitness. His facial features were chiselled and his eyes were black, a tint of grey within them; and they were haunting. As he crossed his arms, it only made each muscle that ran along his thick arms more dominant. The man that followed behind Prince Connor seemed to be a guard or a protector. Servants pulled the chairs out and the family took their place at the table.

My eyes locked with Prince Connor's for a split second, as he took the seat directly across from me; his haunting black eyes shielding his emotions. Greetings were exchanged between the Kings before both took their seats; all guests slowly followed their lead. The waiters began to serve the feast; though I don't think many would have the stomach for food; as many at the table were consumed with nerves and fear. The only few which were not experiencing these feelings were the Powerful Alpha King's and of course the Alpha's sons.


Sipping on what could possibly be my sixth glass of wine, I sat back expecting to get a disapproving look from my father but instead I was greeted with a blank expressionless face; it looked as if he was having a debate within himself. I dropped my mental shield and let my families' voices fill my mind.

"Alice please calm down," my father reassured my mother.

"How can I calm down when we are dining with the enemy!" My mother's voice replied with panic.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Yeah Dad fill Isabella in, she has been too occupied with the wine glass." Liam snickered.

"Good point Liam, Isabella, perhaps refrain from another refill." My mother directed.

I crossed my arms and leaned back in my seat; with a displeasing look appearing on my face. I never rat on Liam! That smirk wouldn't still be in place if mum and dad knew about Annabel sneaking out of Liam's room in the early hours of this morning! I regretted thinking it as soon as the thought drifted into my head. Immediately Liam choked on his drink, mother dropped her spoon and dad took a deep breath.

Flicking my shield back up in place, and flinging my hand to my forehead; really I should know better! Perhaps the wine was affecting my judgement; I pushed the half full glass of wine away from me, and took interest in the table cloth; ignoring my brothers glares.

"Thanks." Liam muttered angrily under his breath.

"Should we begin our discussions or is this not a suitable time?" King Alpha Griffin asked.

My eyes scanned the table, it was reasonable to say that our little family scene had not gone unnoticed. I grumbled to myself at the unwanted attention; sighing I glanced at my father, who was displaying a firm expression, "No, it is time for business," he answered; "everyone excluding royal blood leave the table."

Seats began to move at the sudden order and tables slowly emptied. Nerves began to raise in my stomach as I realized the time had come; time to tell Liam the truth- and time to put The Kings' plan in motion. It was surprising to see Sir Alexander stay seated; my father glanced at him but it seemed that he was under the guard of the Griffins so he remained, so he did not question it.

My father did not speak until the oak doors shut firmly, insuring our conversation would remain private. "Isabella, Liam; this is Princess Sophia and Prince Connor," my father introduced us.

Both Liam and I acknowledged the introduction. Sophia sent has both a tiny smile at the introduction; however Prince Connor remained silent; his face expressionless. Liam narrowed his eyes at Prince Connor's unfriendliness.

Royal Blood- Book 1 of the Royal Blood Series (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now