Chapter 1: Beginning

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It's been a two years now since I meet that kid. I headed into work early today, because I didn't want to hear Jayz mouth. The room was quiet as I headed to the basement, that's when everything got loud.

"Oh good Kurai your here, there's something we need to talk about." Jayz stood up from behind his desk and walked over to the door that lead to the next room.

"What about?" I looked at him puzzled; normally when he says we need to talk im usually in trouble for something.

"Just come on."

We walked into the other room where everyone else was standing around some guy. They all were laughing and joking with him, I still didn't know what was going on.

"Who's this?" I turned to Jayz.

"The new rookie... Your partner." He let out a big smile and pointed to the guy. "Hey rookie this is your new partner, introduce yourselves."

He turned around and we looked at each other in shock. I wanted to speak but I couldn't find the words, he looked like he was having the same problem. We stood there pointing at each other for a good ten seconds.

"IT'S YOU!!!!" We both screamed across the room at each other.

"Huh? You both already know each other?" Everyone in the room looked at us back and forth.

"Like hell! As if I would want to know that guy!" This kid was the same as before; extremely short tempered.

"Aww did you miss me? I told you three years I guess that was to long." Mocking him only made him more angry,but I didn't care.

"You bastard who are you talking to like that!" He came over and grabbed the front of my shirt. I began to laugh because I still had to look down at him a bit. "What are you laughing at!"

"Aww don't like feeling small?" He let out a small blush which made me laugh more inside.

"Why you...!!"


"Cut that out right now you two." Jayz nailed us both right in the backs of our heads, for a man his age he can really pack a punch.

"Oww Jayz that really hurt! I was only messing around." I rubbed the back of my head, I was used to his punches but this one was stronger. I looked over to the kid he was in the same pain.

"Let's get some things straight, your both partners now so you have to work together, got it?" Jayz looked at me then to the kid I could tell I wasn't going to get along with him. We looked each other in the eye for a few seconds before Jayz voice boomed into our ears.

"Do you understand!" Everyone responded yes at the same time; that's how strong and scary his voice is.


I took the rookie out to eat; only because Jayz told me to. We went to an ice cream shop, I had the biggest craving for some chocolate ice cream with vanilla syrup and topped with gummy bears. I felt him stare at me the whole way there but I choose to ignore him because my mouth was watering for my yummy treat. After we got to the shop we found a table by the window, he didn't stop staring at me.

"Sigh, are you going to order anything?" I looked over to him. "Or are you going to keep staring at me? Take your pick."

He picked up the menu and covered his face, all I could do was let out a sigh. This guy was still a brat, he pouted when he didn't get his way or would give the silent treatment if he didn't like something; and I've only been around him for about two hours.

"Sigh....So what's your name anyway?" Trying to be nice like Jayz had said was killing me, this kid refused to talk to me; but two years ago he could hold a gun to my chest. "Hey did you hear me!?"

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