Chapter 2: The Aftermath

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3 days after the attack

It hurts. My entire body, even the tip of my toes, everything is sore. Even though I know I am awake, I can't bring myself to open my eyes. All I see is still darkness, afraid of what I will find in front of me.

After what feels like an eternity passes, I slowly began to let my eyes open. My eyelids flutter open as they try to adjust to the fluorescent lights above me. I can't contain the groan that passes my lips as I try to sit up.

"I would take it easy if I were you, your body has been through quite an ordeal." I hear a mans voice speak.

I jump as he speaks, not expecting anyone else to be in the room with me. I look to my left to find a man dressed in all black, an eye patch on one eye. That one eye looking right into my soul. I've never seen that man before in my life, where am I? I look around at the room as I noticed I am not in your average hospital. The room I am in has black walls, with a observing two way mirror like the ones in the interrogation rooms back at the station. I can see my reflection right in front of me and saying I just look rough would be too nice. My eyes scan around the rest of the room to the bed I am laying in, not your usual hospital bed but instead it looks like one that would be in your bedroom. I am wearing a solid black hospital gown, the color matching the sheets on my bed. Seriously? What's with all the black? Do they not know any other colors?

I turn more towards the man, to get a better look "Who the hell are you? Where am I?" I say in a stern voice demanding answers.

The man just casually stands up as he walks around my bed, so he's standing directly in front of me "I am Director Nicholas Fury, of S.H.E.I.L.D but most people just call me Nick. Your Officer Allison Baker of the NYPD and you were involved in an attack."

"How the hell do you know my name?" I sat up more, clutching my side in agony. "I know that, I remember. I didn't ask what happened, I know I got hurt. I asked you where I am. Answer the other question." 

"I like you, your feisty. Don't worry I will answer all your questions, my agency found out your name when you were taken from Kennedy Memorial Hospital and were transferred to our facility here at S.H.E.I.L.D."

Before I could ask why I was moved, he simply just held up his hand "You were moved because I wanted to be here when you woke up. So I could recruit you to join us, join S.H.E.I.L.D. One of the  Avengers, she's an agent of mine. Natasha Romanoff, she seemed to be impressed by you on how you handled the attack. Now I know the two of you didn't get a chance to exchange pleasantries so I'll enlighten you. She's the one that helped you get your partner to safety. I am very sorry for your loss."

My mind then remembered Kate, what happened to her. I lowered my head as I felt the tears coming back, before they could escape I sucked them back in knowing I needed more answers. I looked back up at Nick. 

He took this as an opportunity to continue "She said while your fellow officers just focused on getting all civilians to safety you actually fought alongside the Avengers despite not having the same level of skill set as them."

"Yeah well, they killed my partner and attacked my city. They pissed me off so I killed as many of those fuckers as I could get my hands on." My voice dripping with venom and distain in my tone.

Nick smirked in response as he nods in approval "That right there. I see what Romanoff meant by your fire. It's that attitude and perseverance that could make you a outstanding agent  with the right training of course. That is if your up for it. We tackle things that most agency's wont dare to even touch, such as things like the extraterrestrials from the other day."

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