8- late night drives

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Note to self never unlock the door.

I grabbed my head, I could feel the wetness of the blood stick to my hair.

"Motherfucker" I muttered

I walked towards the window and lifted it up, before carefully jumping on the branch and climbing down the tree.

This is probably going to be a new routine of mine.

Quietly I unlocked my car and jumped in making sure to carefully close the door, so it doesn't make much noise.

I made sure the headlights weren't on so they didn't shine into the window, giving me away.

They were of

I pulled out my phone before driving

Tricia: hey if dad asks you to unlock your door don't. Stay in your room for a bit

I turned my phone of not waiting for a reply and drove of.

Tweeks Pov

I finally closed the cafe, this evening was really busy, so it was quite late now.

I don't drive so I usually walk home, I can't complain though it's quite calming.

As I was walking down the empty street, a car flashlights illuminated the road behind me.

I thought nothing of it

After a while the car just drove slowly behind me, instead of driving past.

I began to panick

"GAHh" what if their kidnappers and they kill me?!!?!

The car stopped next to me, oh god I can feel my heart rapidly beating.

I'll have to fight them of, can't be hard right?

"Tweek." A plain toned voice broke me out my panic

I looked up, to see the one and only Craig tucker.

Why is he everywhere I go now??

"Oh ah hi Craig" I smiled feeling a bit awkward

"Why are you out so late?" He asked ignoring my greeting.

"Oh uh gah I was just ah closing the cafe"

"Oh yeah that's cool, hey do you want to like hang for a bit.. my dads being ummm uh a bit bitchy"

I chuckled " I know a bit or two about gahh bitchy dads. Sure!"

I opened the door, but suddenly jumped back.

Craig looked confused

"Craig.. you're not GAh going to kidnap me are you???" I got straight to the point

Craig laughed, what the hell I think that's the first time since fourth grade I've seen him laugh.

"No Tweek I promise I won't kidnap you, now get in you're making the car cold"

I smiled before jumping in and closing the door.

There was an awkward silence for a few minutes, well except for my twitches every now and then.

"Soo where are we going?" I asked

Craig kept his eyes on the road "well I'm starving so I'm gonna get some McDonald's"

I nodded

"Do you want anything?" He asked blankly

"No thanks I've got my coffee, plus I don't have my card on me" I smiled appreciating the gesture

Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz