Illegal stuff is happening~~~

42 4 2

(A/N): My episode numbers past this point will be inaccurate, so I gave up~

A lot of stuff has been happening on the Camp Minecraft server.

People have begun doing lots of stuff on camp, like building houses and all the usual Minecraft stuff.

Sigils has built a shop, and turned an area into a 'shop district', and Kate has been his first customer, not having anything to give him, Kate offered Sigils her first diamond. 

So yeah, people were already trying to get rich on this server, and it's only been the first few episodes. 

They had also leveled up from the first era, which meant they could now mine stone, and not just wood.

Because this SMP was played out in era, meaning you couldn't mine certain things unless you unlocked a certain era. And Alxton finally gets removed from the wall of shame, as he finally comes to join the server level up the eras.

But Zud had other plans. Zud wanted to acquire resources that nobody had. So he searched, though old shipwrecks at the bottom of the ocean, hunted pillager towers, and looked for ruined portals. And he found a lot, and I mean a lot of stuff he shouldn't be getting, like so much iron, emeralds, and even 2 diamonds. 

But first he had to brag. So using a goat horn he found, he called an emergency meeting.

And Austin, aka Biffle, shows up at the meeting, hiding in a hole in the ground. Classic. But Biffle leaves the meeting, running off to probably find resources.

Zud still showed off anyway. As everyone looked on in shock as he displayed his newfound wealth, Zud chuckled. He wanted to brag and he had. Zud had some resources nobody would get in weeks, maybe even months. So he was basically rich. Even though getting this stuff was kind of, cheating.

But it's Camp Minecraft, of course there would be cheating.


Meanwhile Sigils was planning to do his own illegal stuff. Using his elaborate knowledge of building farms, he managed to make an iron farm. Meaning he could get unlimited iron. 

Sigils was rich, he always was, always is, and always will be, the richest person on the CMC server. Obviously. He was a redstone genius. He could make farms people could only dream of. 

As the advanEveryone was basically losing their mind in the chat as Sigils chuckled to himself. But then he recalled Zud having diamonds.

That was going to be his next target. Oh, he would get diamonds.

One way or another.



Idk what I'm doing...Heh can't wait for the next chapters 

why am i doing this I should be studying~

oh well, life's great! 

If u have been thx for reading =D

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