"Lust, if you're uncomfortable, I could leave if you like me too?" I questioned him, waiting for an answer. He answered me quickly the second I asked him.

"Of course not, your majesty!" I just didn't expect to see you on a night like this, especially since it's 3:45 pm?" Lust waited for Error to answer, knowing he got the hint of his question.

I opened my mouth to reply to Lust but something to my left gained my attention before I could answer, I closed my mouth I looked to the left looking at the bundle mess of a scarf and and a bitty that was wide awake now, the bitty must of woken up from from Lust terrified scream, l looked back at Lust seeing confusion settled on his face possibly confused on why I didn't answer back or why I stopped talking at all, i finally said something after a few seconds of thinking on the right thing to be said.

"You wouldn't mind sharing a plate, would you?" That probably wasn't the best thing to start with, but Horror bittys are known for a big appetite for food. I know very little to nothing about bittys, but if my guesses are right, he should be almost the exact same as the original Horrortale.

"Of course not, your majesty!" Lust sat down immediately sliding a plate over gently to make sure the savoring meat wouldn't fall off the plate, the plate was filled with different meat that came from around the area there was also vegetables on the plate but it would most likely will be dogged by the bitty that was now half awake, Error grabbed the plate with his right hand sliding it over to his left across him where the bitty now sat fully up making grabby hands towards the plate, letting the bitty now munch on full plate of savoring and lushes meat Error looked back up at Lust deciding to speak up.

"I know it's only been a week since you've been here, but I must ask, how have the members here been treating you? Usually, when new members join, they are usually rough with them and throw the new members around?" I looked at Lust, hoping for a good answer. He did look a bit puzzled by the question.

"Are they not treating you well!" I asked as a surprised face showed that he looked thrown off by the question. worrienes slipped through my tone, my hand tightened to fist and untightened repeatedly to shake the worries out of me. I opened my mouth to speak.

"Of course not your majesty, it's actually really nice!" Lust said quickly, I looked at Lust puzzled. That was unexpected. Usually, all new members are treated with disrespect until they are proven to be respected. Before I could get any further to say anything, the subject was changed as soon as it came.

"Your majesty, shouldn't you be asleep? you'll be going with two guards tomorrow into the town, you need all the rest you can get." Lust looked at me with a questioning face with some other emotion. I couldn't exactly say what it was, but my guess would be that he's worried.

"Have the guards been training you? I know Red could be a bit rough." I ask Lust dogging his question.

"Your majesty would like me to walk you to your bedroom?" Lust asked dogging Errors question.

"No need, I'll be fine walking there myself." I sighed as my arms moved to grab all my belongings.

"Are you sure your majesty I could keep you company while we walk or what if you trip and you make a crash landing to the floor I could be there to make sure that wouldn't happen." Lust rambled as a worried expression growled onto his face.

"I'll be fine. There's nothing to be worried about, and I'm not that clumsy to trip on my own feet." I said pouting a bit at the end of the sentence, and why does everyone think I'm clumsy do I look clumsy is that even possible I thought in my head, I stood up having the bitty stuffed full with food already asleep in my scarf that was wrapped around him, holding the bitty with my left arm that was close to my chest.

"Alright, but please do be careful when walking your majesty." Lust said with a cheerful voice and a smile stretching across his face.

"Thank you, Lust, and thank you for sharing a plate with our bitty guests." I said though the only thing I could think of was if that was insulted or if he actually was genorse and didn't even notice he insulted me.

"Of course, and thank you for your time, your majesty." Lust said, waving his hand at Error as he was wavering his hand back and was already at the door.

"Of course." I replied with a gentle smile and shutting the library door behind me, half way through I almost proved Lust right I tripped on my feat but luckily enough i catched myself that would've been embarrassing i muttered under my breath and I continued to walk until i was able to see my bedroom door but of course with my luck I was a few steps away from my door only to find myself face flat on the ground with the bitty secured completely in the scarf blanket luckily Lust was the only one that heard it even though the library was good distance away, I'll questioned him on his hearing later but it was still embarrassing even though the door was a few steps away Lust still decided to walk me to my door, I was never the clumsy type but I do have a feeling that my broken left leg and broken right toes were possibly the cause of it, I'll make sure to get it checked before we go out into town in the morning.


(Any tea??) 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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