the trial | andy barber ~ final part

Start from the beginning

I walk towards y/n, she runs towards me, and I hug her tightly. She cries into my chest, I rub her back. 
“It’s okay shh… I’m here…” I kiss the top of her head. “He’s not here, it’s alright…” 
“You both should go rest. And congratulations by the way.” Joanna says. 
“Thank you.” I look at her and smile lightly. “Come on sweetie, let’s go home.” 

The trip was silent. She looks out the window and rubs her bump. 
“Honey, please talk to me.” He puts his hand on her thigh. “I don’t like when you’re like this.” 
“He’s right Andy…” She finally talks. He looks at her for a few seconds before looking at the road again. “I’m a whore.” She lowers her head.  He stops on the side of the road and cups her cheeks with his hands. 
“Hey, look at me.” She lifts her head. “Don't listen to what Tom said in court. He's not worth it. You are my best friend and now the mother of my baby. And I can’t wait to meet our baby, live together, and finally have the family we always wanted. I love you so much y/n.” 
“I love you more Andy.” She hugs him and he kisses her temple. 
“Now, let’s go home, okay?” She nods and he drives again.

They enter the house, and he helps her to take off her coat and put it on the couch. She takes off her shoes and puts them in the entrance. 
“You okay?” Andy asks while he rubs her arms.
“Yeah, just tired.” She smiles weakly and puts her head into his chest. 
“Let’s go to bed.” He picks her up and goes upstairs. 
He puts her on the bed and takes her PJs from the closet. He goes to the bathroom, picks the lotion and the cream, and comes back into the bedroom. She already goes under the sheets and waits for him. He sits next to her, pulls her shirt to her breasts, and applies the cream and the lotion on her bump. 
“Hey little bean, it’s me, dada…” She giggles. “You don’t know how much I can’t wait to hold you in my arms and kiss you on your little nose and your little cheeks. I don’t know if you’re a boy or a girl but…” He stops and looks at her. “Your momma and I will love you equally…” He kisses my bump before putting her shirt back and leaning on her and kissing her softly. He feels her warm tears on his cheeks. 

“Hey, why are you crying?” He says with worry in his eyes when he cups her cheeks. 
“Hormones…” She chuckles. “And because what you said to the baby was so cute.” She sobs into his chest. 
“Aww sweetie…” He rubs her back and kisses her temple. 
“I love you so much” She mumbles into his chest. 
“I love you more y/n” She pulls away and kisses him passionately. She lies her head and her hand on his chest, he strokes her shoulder with his fingers. 

“Andy…” She whispers with her eyes closed.
“Yes, sweetheart?”  
 “Thank you…” He tilts his head and frowns. She opens her eyes and looks at him. “Thank you for saving me. I don't know what I would have done if you weren't by my side. I would be probab-” He interrupts her with a passionate kiss. 
“You know that I’ll always save you, no matter what happens.” He says when he rubs her cheeks. She kisses him again and he puts the sheets over them. 

**Y/N’S POV**

I wake up with his head on my chest. Little snores from him make me smile. I stroke his fluffy hair and kiss his forehead longer. 
“Morning, handsome” I whisper when I stroke his hair. 
He mumbles a little before he opens his eyes and looks at me. “Morning sweetheart, I’m sorry I fell asleep between your boobs. Even if it was comfy by the way…” He rubs his eyes and sits. 
I chuckle. “It’s alright.” 
He lifts my shirt and kisses my bump. “I’m sorry little bean for last night…” 
I smile “They accept your apologies” He leans on his elbows and kisses me.
“We should get prepared for the trial.” 
“Right” He stands, takes my hand, and leads me to the bathroom. 

“Ready?” He rubs my knuckles with his thumb. 
We enter the court and go to the same place as yesterday. Joanna sits next to me. 
“How do you feel y/n?” She says when she takes my hand. 
“Stressed but I know I’m not alone.” I turn around to look at Andy and smile. He smiles back at me. 
“Don’t worry, I’m sure the judgment will be positive.” She rubs my hands before the officer speaks and everyone stands.
“Court all rise! The Honorable Judge Paulson is presiding. This court’s now open. Please be seated.” 
We sit down. 
“Ladies and gentlemen of the jury at 9.00 a.m. this morning, the Commonwealth announces its decision for the trial of the defendant Tom Johnson. The defendant will please rise.” 
Tom stands up and looks at us before looking at the judge. 
“Tom Johnson, you were found guilty by the full jury, sentencing you to 20 years in prison for domestic violence as well as rape. The jury also announced the divorce of Mrs. y/n y/l/n and Mr. Tom Johnson” The judge hits his gavel. 
I let out a sigh of relief and cried. Andy stands up and hugs me. 
“It’s over y/n.” He rubs my back. “It’s finally over.” He kisses the top of my head. 

We go outside the court and we sit on the stairs. 
“You were brave y/n. Now that Tom is in jail, you can finally live your life.” Joanna says. 
“Thank you, Joanna, for everything.” 
“Call me if Andy is causing problems.” I chuckle at Joanna’s joke.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of her.” He says while he takes my hand and kisses my cheek. She waves goodbye and drives. 
“I’m hungry…” I say and scrunch my nose. 
He chuckles and pecks my lips “Let’s go eat then” 


A few months later after the trial, we discovered we were expecting a little girl. Of course, she decides to arrive for Andy’s birthday, which was a beautiful gift. Andy was over the moon, he didn’t want to let her go of his arms. We called her Olivia Marianne Barber, I decided to name her after Andy’s mother because she was a great mother and she was always kind to me. I spent a lot of time with them when I was young, my parents were always working. 

Soon after Olivia’s birth, we did a little wedding. Everything was beautiful, of course, Andy cried when he saw me in my dress. We spent our honeymoon in Mexico, and Olivia was enjoying the beach with her father. They were so cute together, I couldn’t imagine a beautiful life with Andy. She always asked to go to the beach and play with the sand. 

As soon as we get back to Boston, a few weeks later, we discovered that we were expecting another baby. Andy was so excited, Olivia less because she thought she would no longer be taken care of by us, but we told her that we’ll always give her big hugs and she’ll always be our first baby. 

Now I’m 21 weeks pregnant with a little girl and my bump looks like a beachball. Andy came back from work. 
“DADDY!” Olivia runs towards him. 
“Hey, jellybean!” Andy picks her up. “How was your day with mommy?” 
“Good!” She gives him a thumbs up. He smiles and kisses her cheek. 
“Where’s Mama?” 
“Over here” I wave my arm because I’m outside, enjoying the sunset. 
“How’s my little princess?” He says when he still has Olivia in his arms and puts a hand on my bump. 
“Hey! I’m your princess too!” We both chuckle and he shakes his head.
“How’s my other princess?” 
“She’s fine, she sleeps.” I smile and peck his soft lips. 
“‘Top kissing mommy.” She puts her hand on his mouth. We laugh and we both kiss her cheeks. He puts her on the couch and tickles her. I cross my arms and laugh. I join them on the couch, Olivia sitting on her dad’s lap and Andy putting his arms around me when I put my head on his shoulder while we’re watching a movie. 

“Yes, Andy?” I look up at him.
“I love you and our babies…” He says while he strokes my cheeks with his thumb.
“I love you too…” I smile and kiss him. I close my eyes and I feel his hand on my bump, as well as Olivia's. I feel a kiss on my bump and smile. 
I’ve always dreamt of a family with Andy, and this dream came true. 

IMAGINES x CHRIS EVANS Where stories live. Discover now