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There was a knock on the door of Monica's apartment, number 20. Monica was not expecting a visitor, let alone a person knocking on the door.

She opened the door thinking it would be a delivery man with the wrong address but it was Sarah, who came looking for something to drink.

- I hope I'm not bothering you Monica but they don't have anything in the fridge other than beer. If you don't mind, could you give me some juice or tell me where the nearest supermarket is? - You could see on her face that Sarah was not hydrated.

Without hesitation, Monica offered her a glass of orange juice. As Sarah went to thank Monica for the juice, she noticed that her eyes were redder than usual.

Without a word, she closed the door and walked over to Monica to wipe away the tears that remained in her eyes. Apparently Monica was crying but no one had noticed her yet.

- Is everything all right? - Sarah was really worried about her.

- Yes, I was just cutting onions. Really, don't worry about it. - Monica wiped away the few remaining tears with the sleeve of her sweater.

- Sure, and I am Christopher Columbus. I know I met you yesterday and all I did was flatter you but, tell me whatever it is that I will try to help you.

- It's nothing, it's just that I recently broke up with my partner, Richard, and I found some of his stuff. I miss him terribly, terribly. - Monica was completely devastated.

- Let's sit on the couch, tell me anything, I'm all ears.

As they sat down, Monica's head rested lightly on Sarah's shoulder, though neither gave it much thought.

- Have you been with many men?

- Yes, although all of them have ended up leaving me for one thing or another. I am a complete disaster.

Sarah looked at Monica without any disguise as if they were talking about her. After that comment, she felt really offended.

- Have you seen yourself? You are beautiful just the way you are Monica. I don't know you at all but Chandler speaks highly of you, you are certainly a great friend and surely a great person. Maybe your parties aren't the best thing on this planet but you are. They don't know what they are missing.

Monica didn't think she heard what she had just heard, but she knew she had heard it and that she wasn't dreaming. No one had ever told her that, she needed someone to tell her to believe it.

- Do you really believe that? No one has ever said that to me before. - Monica's cheeks reddened with embarrassment.

Monica never thought anyone would tell her that but it had just happened, even though she felt like she was in a dream.

- Of course I'm really saying it Monica, have you seen yourself? - Sarah fully believed in what she was saying without giving any importance to what Monica believed, because she knew she was wrong.

Monica redirected her gaze to Sarah, who was still trying to comfort her with physical contact. It took her a matter of seconds to realize that Monica was looking at her, was looking at her and absolutely no one else.

No one had ever looked at Monica in that way. What happened with that look was an accumulation of indescribable feelings they both had.

Sarah reached her hand up to lightly caress one of Monica's cheeks, she really wanted to kiss her but knew it wasn't the right time. She wished she could remind her every morning that she was enough for any human, any of these.

There they were, looking at each other as more tension built in the air. Monica repositioned herself so that her lips were much closer to Sarah's, she really wanted to kiss them.

They were so close to each other that their noses were brushing. Monica didn't have enough courage to take the step to kiss her, Monica looked at her lips without averting her eyes. Sarah pulled back the hair that was covering Monica's face and that's when Monica was completely undone, she was completely hers.

With her hand on her cheek, Sarah kissed Monica's pink lips finally. That moment was what made both Monica and Sarah lose themselves between each other's lips. They wanted that moment to last forever, not caring how many people could see them.

They forgot everything around them to enjoy that kiss, which they thought would be the only and last one.

The door opened and neither of them noticed this. Chandler walked in next to Rachel while both Joey and Ross waited in their apartment. As they entered they were perplexed to see what was going on between them, though they didn't want to stop that moment either.

- How beautiful they look together, admit it. - Rachel looked at Chandler with a smiling face at the situation.

After these words, Monica immediately separated from Sarah, as if none of what had just happened had never happened.

Monica was wishing the earth would swallow her up and spit her out on the other side of the world. Sarah didn't regret anything she had done but it seemed that Monica did.

- Well, it looks like someone is going to have to spend the night in a hotel. - Sarah had no regrets but wanted to avoid any conversation about what had happened.

- You don't have to go, Rachel and Chandler won't say anything, will you? - Monica grabbed Sarah's arm to keep her from leaving while glaring menacingly at both Chandler and Rachel.

- We have seen absolutely nothing, have you seen anything Chandler? - Rachel looked back at Chandler. He shook his head denying having seen any of what happened.

Abruptly, Sarah walked away from there and freed herself from Monica's arm. She didn't consider that she had done anything wrong, she just felt that it had all gone extremely fast with Monica and she surely had never experienced anything like that with a woman.

The moment she closed the door to apartment 20, she didn't leave because she wanted to hear Monica's voice one last time before she left. She just sat there, leaning against the door, waiting for her to say something to Chandler or Rachel to hear her one last time before she left.

- Chandler, I think I like your sister, I'm so sorry. I don't think I can do it, I'm still in love with Richard, I don't want to break her heart. - Monica's voice sounded broken.

After finishing this sentence, Sarah left, anywhere she could find, to avoid thinking about Monica. Even in another place, she couldn't stop thinking about her.

PANICKING OVER YOU - Monica GellerWhere stories live. Discover now