I slowly unzipped my jacket and looked to get on the apron, but Renallo had to say this next...

Renallo: One of the most evil, brutal, uncaring, dangerous men I've ever encountered in my life. I don't know what I'd do if I met this guy anywhere, nor if I stand across the ring from him!

McGuiness: Hosako, looking for the adulation from the NXT Universe!

Phoenix: He's got the respect, I'll tell you that!

I got on the apron and waited for the line to be screamed out of the fans' mouths. I smiled and stared at Matt with evil intent as I was waiting for Masami to come out from behind and get this brawl started!

As I steppe through the middle rope...

Crowd: BEWARE!!!

...Masami jumped over the barrier, pulled Candice off her feet, through the bottom rope, and started beating her ass as I did the same to Matt!

Renallo: And Shirai, coming from behind and laying waste to Candice LeRae as Matt and Ren go at it once again!

Phoenix: And don't forget, Ren Hosako and Io Shirai have a very close bond, dating back to 2015, when they met up at an autism charity event, which was around the time where Ren joined the Suzuki-Gun, the Suzuki-Army, to reinvent himself and that would be the last time we'd see him be one of the most beloved babyfaces in wrestling history, but to see him and Io Shirai get together and lay waste to anyone who crosses them is a sight to see!

Beth Phoenix, always on point.

We kept going at it, at one point, Matt tried to slam me into the ring post, face first, but I countered by doing that to him instead as he went down.

I then went to the announce table, where Renallo, McGuiness, and Phoenix were sitting at. I tore off the plastic thing that covers their equipment, and swiped everything off as I turned back to Matt, who was dazed by how hard I threw him into the ring post.

I pulled him over onto the table as I picked him up, put the Sleeper on him until he passed out.

I climbed onto the table, put his head under my pit, threw his other arm over my head and performed my Brainbuster as the table broke.

I slowly got off the table as I asked for a microphone as soon as Masami was done with Candice.


Renallo: He wants the microphone! Someone give him one!

Alicia Taylor, the announcer gave me hers as I spoke into it...

Me: Oi, I... want... ONE... MORE... MATCH!

The crowd cheered and booed at the same time as I was about to finish it.

Me: I... want one... more match and I look to kill... Matt Riddle... at Takeover... Toronto...

I pointed at Matt as I yelled, with a huge sadistic smile on my face...

Me: ...inside... a... STEEL CAGE!!!

I threw the mic down as I went off on Matt, just not giving a shit about security trying to stop me.

Once they got me off of him, I joined up Masami, who managed to split Candice open as well and lay her former best friend out by performing my Brainbuster on the floor.

Me? I wasn't even near as done as I wanted to be!

I lifted the apron to pull out a table, set it up as I grabbed Matt's foot, and dragged him over to where the table was.

Red Is For Love (Io Shirai X Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now