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"The breaking news today is the joint statement given by Jordan and Jacquline Plum against their father, William Plum." Jo sighs, folding the basket of laundry she'd just dumped out on her bed. "A week and a half ago on the evening of August 31st William Plum was removed from his daughters home by a police officer, that incident seemed to be the start of change for the Chicago Bulls executive. Less than a week later, an anonymous member of the Bulls organization stepped forward, giving a statement against Plum, including accusations of Plum inflicting bullying and abuse for his entire duration with the organization. The informant sighted the conflict with Plum and his daughters as a wake up call that the abuse may extend further than his career, and that they felt the need to speak up and try to end the abuse that has, according to them, been stretched over four decades."

"Why are you listening to that, Jo?" Jackie asks, leaning against Jo's door, her eyes focused on the ESPN reporter on the TV screen.

"Because it's my life and my career that I may have just entirely ruined." Jo sighs, glancing at the TV again. "I need to know what people are saying because I am going to be asked about it. Finals start in two days."

"No one is going to fire you over the statement, Jo. They would be idiots to get rid of you after the season you've had."

"I hope you're right, but dad is powerful in the basketball world, and taking him down is going to be David and Goliath."

"David won that fight, and we will win this one." Jackie offers.

"I hope so. I put everything in that statement, and if we don't win, dad will find me and it will not end well for me. He might do that anyway, but there's a bigger chance if all this does is taint his reputation."

"You were honest, Jo. We both were, and people are going to see that. So turn this shit off and focus on the fact that you are three wins away from the WNBA title." Jackie offers, picking up the remote herself and turning off the TV.

"Ya." Jo sighs.

"We did the right thing, you know that right?" Jackie asks softly.

"I do know that, but it doesn't make things any less scary for me."

"I know. But we'll get through it. And Michael will help you get through it too."

"Ya, he's been a big help actually. He's been good at helping me calm down when I get all up in my head about it all."

"You got the best, Jo. I hope you've realized that by now."

"I know." Jo nods, "Thanks for that, by the way."

"You're welcome. If I knew how good he would be for you I'd have introduced you years ago." Jackie laughs.

"No, the way we met was so authentic, and so us, it was the right way." Jo laughs, "I might have passed him up if it had been any other way, especially a set up."

"Ya, and you have the cutest meet-cute in the entire world honestly."

"Ya, we kind of do." Jo giggles.

"Don't worry about dad. Dad is no longer a necessary person in our lives, and if he wants to become necessary again he will do the work to make that happen, but I'm not holding my breath for that one."

"Me either. I just hate drama and I hate gossip sites talking about me so negatively, and in the context of such important and ugly situations. I know I'm not the one being accused of everything dad is being accused of, but I also know that I am a key part of this. I could have come forward at any time and that could have possibly made a difference for people, if I'd got this ball rolling months or years ago, if I hadn't been so afraid of him."

End GameOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz