Schools out

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*Ring ring ring*
The final bell before summer goes off. Finally, complete freedom from the hell hole known as high school.
"Hey Amira, let's go hit the waves or something!!" said John B.
"Hell yes!" I exclaimed. "Let's find the rest and meet at your place?"
"Perfect see ya!" he yelled as he hurried his way out to find JJ.

I headed back home. My home was right on the pogue and kook line. My dad was my biggest fan and worked so hard all the time, and he wasn't very strict at all. My mom was never home hardly ever. If I could tell you where she's been the last 3 years I would love to. Anyways, I head home to my one story house where my chocolate lab greets me at the door. He's always so happy to see me as he jumps up but I push him off quick to get ready to go to John B's. I run to my room and throw on a neon pink suit and a pair of jean shorts. I grab my surfboard and get into my tiny red jeep. My dad got it for me for my birthday a few years back. She is a little rusty but she works. I kiss Coco goodbye (my dog) and head over to pick up Sarah. She's not a great surfer, really at all, but she's fun to watch struggle sometimes.

I get to her big Cameron house in Kookville and honk. I thought Sarah would come out but I looked up from my phone to see her brother, Rafe, coming to my jeep. My roof is off so I could hear heavy footsteps that didn't appear to be Sarah's. As I saw him approach, he has a huge grin on his face, while his hair was messy and longer. He was in his swimsuit as he came right to my side of the jeep.

Resting his arms on my door, leaning close, he says "hey." with a big grin.
"hey..." I said back.
"I heard you're headed to surf. I don't know but I have heard rumors about the prodigal surfer, 'Amira' and I wouldn't mind seeing how much better I am than you."
"Right Rafe.. sure, grab your board. Get in!"
"Sick, Mir, I'll grab Sarah."
He always calls me that. It's pronounced mirror but he's the only one who says that. It kind of gives me butterflies.

Me and Sarah have been friends for a long while, so I am at her house often. That's how I got to know Rafe a little bit. Not as much as I'd like to though.

*honk honk*
Finally, Sarah comes rushing out. She gets in the front while Rafe sits directly behind me. I got aux, playing my slow song playlist. Rafe leans up and grabs my seat, placing his hand on my shoulder as he leans to my ear.
"This music, Mir, it's a no. Give me the aux."
"Thanks Rafe. That's really nice of you. Here," as I reached for the aux.
He started playing music I actually loved.. but obviously I couldn't say that.

Finally we reached John B's. Everyone was there except for Pope. He was probably stuck with some scholarship thing and his parents would freak if he left the house.

John B ran to Sarah to greet her. He picked her up and gave her a kiss as he smiled and said "Come on these waves couldn't be better right now with that storm coming tonight."

Sarah ran with John B to the water while I stayed back to get my board. JJ and Kie were already in the water.

I went to grab my board from the trunk when I felt someone approach me from behind, grabbing my waist and moving me to the side. It was Rafe, grabbing my board for me as he insisted a lady shouldn't have to grab her own board. Right. Anyways he grabbed it for me and handed it to me. As I went to grab it he moved his hand to where I was grabbing the board, and we locked eyes. It was like a rush I had never felt before. He was so kind and I felt like I could see right through him. Finally we broke eye contact and I thanked him for grabbing my board.
"Hey, uhm, I just..." Rafe stumbled. I just stared.
"Oh nevermind." He sighed. "No no please tell me?!" I exclaimed. "Nothing, it's just, you." He said. "Me?..." As he was about to talk again, I got interrupted by Kie. She insisted we hurry, so we started walking to the water.

Irresistible x Rafe Cameron Where stories live. Discover now