"Don't know don't care" craig yawned

"That's it tucker, detention tomorrow" Mr garrison screamed his face very red, he looked like he was about to explode.

"Cool" Craig said before wondering his thoughts again.

Before he knew it the bell finally rang, thank god, he headed to the back of the school.

Craig took a seat on the hard concrete step, pulling out a box of cigarettes from his pocket, carefully he lit the end of the cigarette.

He closed his eyes as he inhaled the toxic smoke, letting it creep into his lungs and comfort him.

"Tucker" a voice came from above him

Craig though startled, didn't move an ounce not even a slight flinch or squirm.

"Manwhore" he replied not looking up already knowing all to well who it was.

"May I sit"

"Be my guest" craig replied blankly

Craig turned to face the blonde boy in the orange parka, his slightly dirty freckled face hidden by his overbearing hood.

"For your information, I like someone." Kenny spoke  relaying back to the fact Craig called him a manwhore.

"And how many times have you said that, you seem to mix feelings up for sex quite often"  craig replied.

"No no this time it's different Craig, I haven't thought about having sex with this guy, I actually like his personality.."

"Hm sure" craig replied not convinced taking another puff of his cigarette.

"Got a spare one?" Kenny smiled

Craig held the box out towards Kenny, who took one out and lit it before also Inhaling the smoke.

As much as Craig hated everyone, he didn't mind Kenny, though he was a raging horny man slag he was alright to talk to, also the fact that Kenny was probably just as fucked up as Craig made him like him a little more.

Other than Kenny he didn't mind Clyde, Tolkien and Jimmy then again he wouldn't say their his friends.

And then of course there's Tweek, but Craig didn't know what to refer him as.

"What was up with you in history?" Kenny asked breaking the silence.

"What?"craig replied

"Well you were just staring at Tweek Tweak for a long time it was kinda creepy dude" Kenny chuckled

"Shut up dick, I wasn't staring precisely at Tweek I was just staring and he was in my line of vision."

Kenny looked shocked but kind of excited "wow that's the most you've ever said in a sentence tucker"

Craig rolled his eyes before sticking his middle finger up at Kenny.

"Dude I swear one day someone's going to cut your fucking finger of" Kenny rolled his eyes

"They touch me and their dead" Craig said, no tone what so ever.

"Don't Fucking Touch Me Man!" A loud voice came from the building inside.

"Hmm what's that, let's go see" Kenny spoke before getting up and walking back into the building, craig shortly after followed him.

There was a large circle formed around two people, though Craig was extremely tall for his age he couldn't see who it was due to the large amount of people.

Therefore he pushed through the people, who easily let him through due to it being Craig tucker. Kenny also next to him.

As they reached the front Craig saw two familiar faces.

Cartman and Tweek.


"Gahh I told you not to touch me" Tweek yelled

"What you gonna do spaz, force me to drink some coffee"

Tweeks eye twitched

"Fuck you fatty" he spat

Oh fuck, everyone knows not to call Cartman fat.. well unless your Kyle, Stan or Kenny.

"What did you fucking say" Cartman said with a scarily calm voice

"You ahh heard me" Tweek snarled not backing down

"You've fucked up twitch" Cartman said before raising his fist.

Craig bit his lip out of nervousness.

Don't do it
Don't do it
Don't do it

Was all he repeated in his head, trying to beat the urge to fuck Cartmans face up.

Once he saw his fist heading towards Tweek he couldn't help himself, he stepped into the circle getting closer to the two.

But before he could do anything, Cartman was on the ground??

"What the fuck.." craig sputtered confused of what just happened.

He looked at Cartman who was on the floor, grabbing his cheek and letting out wailing noises.

He looked back at Tweek who was standing there with his fist clenched up, slightly red from the impact.

"I told you not to fucking touch me fatass"
he said calmly before heading out of the circle and disappearing behind the corner.

Craig smirked


Creek (Craig x Tweek) A soft spot for him..Where stories live. Discover now