Spanish man, parasites and other stuff...

Începe de la început


We made our way out, trying to sneak out of the village into the forest. An attack of Ganados would be our final end. We made it out of the village and when we stand in the middle of the forest after we left the path, Luis stopped and turned to face me, a look of concern etched on his face.

"What's wrong?" I ask in my normal tone, pretending like always. "Are you okay?" he asks, his eyes scanning my face for any sign of distress. "Yeah, shouldn't I ask you that? Your shoulder doesn't look very good" I reply. "You didn't, so I did" he comes closer. "Looks worse than it is, don't worry señorita...although I think we should take a break here" he says and smiles at me. "Here?" I ask and look around, Luis nods.
We are sitting on the cold forest ground, I lean against a tree. The wound isn't bleeding anymore, at least something because the piece of glass isn't on the place anymore where it supposed to be which was a reason to worry, but I don't want to make everything about me.


I look at Luis, it looks like he's trying to put his shoulder back in place, and it looks painful. "Mi señora you're so quiet since we left the village, should I worry?" He says and gives up on his shoulder.
"No I'm fine" I answer. Luis nods. Should I ask him about what just happened? I'm not sure about what to do. Luis comes closer and sits exactly next to me now. "You're pale, you know that right" he says and looks into my eyes. "I am?" "Yes. Not in a healthy way" "Oh" I didn't know what to answer. "Well I'll look for material for a fire, stay here okay?" He says and leans against me to get up, unfortunately on the wrong side.
It feels like the glass splitter is cutting my insides... I scream up and startled Luis. "What's wrong?!" he shouts with concern. I can't answer because this time it really hurts way too much. He knees down to me and points to the side of the cut, which I hid with my shirt. "Here?" he asks me and looks into my eyes.
I nod and he pulls up my shirt. "maldito... Why didn't you say something?! How did this even happen?! Do you know how easy a wound like this can get infections?" I stay quiet while he screams at me, I cannot help, but I feel guilty and bad because of the way he screams at me. "I accept that you're not talking to me most of the time, but this time you really should've said something," Luis says while taking out a napkin. He gives a bit of alcohol on it. "This will burn now, but it will fade, yeah?" he looks into my eyes while putting the napkin on my wound. It burns and I would've jumped up if Luis wasn't holding me in place, "pshh, it's okay" he tries to calm me down and grabs my chin, it helps. My heart beats faster while he looks at me like this, it does something with me.
I don't even know him? The pain slowly subsides, I feel Luis's hand gently caressing my back. It's a strange feeling, to get comforted by the person I don't want to trust, don't want to see....don't want to like. But as I look into his eyes, I see a sincerity that I've never noticed before. "Thank you," I whisper, breaking the silence that had settled between us.

I always had problems, I get feelings way too easy, it's because of everything what happened in my life, every time someone cares about me, it starts...I don't want to call it real feelings- I don't want to have feelings for this man, and it already brought me in bad situations, enough bad situations... Luis smiles softly. "Anytime,mi amor. I just wish you would've told me earlier. I don't like seeing you in pain." he says, his voice low and husky. I nod, still feeling guilty of not being more honest with him. "I'm sorry. I just... I don't know how to explain it. I've been keeping my distance because I didn't want to feel anything for you."
This was one of the dumbest things I could've just say, he flirts with me, yes, but that's probably just the way he is, he does that with every girl which crosses his way... Luis's hand pauses on my back, and he looks at me with a mix of confusion and hurt. "What do you mean?"
"I mean..." I sigh" like...I don't know, I met a few people while the outbreak in Raccoon city back then and...nobody of them survived what happened there, I became close with them and they...died. I was only 16... I'm too afraid to lose any more people which are close to me, that's why I distant myself from others, do you understand?" That's probably the dumbest excuse I've ever used. It wasn't a lie, though, but how could I be so stupid? Why should he feel something for me, although he's a grown man, he will just think I'm a freak... .
"Ah yes I see" he answers and surches for a bandage. Now I feel like I've done something wrong, why do I have to be like this. "Luis?..." I say quiet, and he looks up at me, waiting for a response. " still stuck in...the wound" He sighs and looks at the free part of my body which is still covered in blood. "I can see it, it will hurt for a second now" I gasp cause of the pain but the feeling fades away. Luis bandages the flesh wound, judging by how he did it, he knew what he was doing. He stands up without a single word. I look after him. He walks to the tree in front of me, leans against it and stares into the dark of the forest while taking out his cigarettes. Why doesn't he talk to me anymore, the way he did before... . He lights his cigarette and my mind tells me that he won't smell like his perfume anymore when he comes back and talks with me in the same loving way like he did before...

He will tell me that we should move on while he smells like despair, ash and smoke.

Señorita..~ Luis Sera x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum