cold metal piercings | Kuko

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The reason why this book exist is because I'm having a Kuko brainrot right now and I haven't written in a while so here we go,,,, I love this feral cat with rabies so much and i've been listening to young gun of the sun for the whole day now that it will surely show in my most played songs in my spotify

As you walked around the quiet streets of Nagoya on your way home after work, you focused your eyes on the road, and the warm hues of autumn surrounded you. It is already the third week of September and the air is starting to get colder than before. You thought that it would be great to start adding more layers in your outfit when you go to work on Monday, so you made a mental note for yourself to not forget about it.

Raising your left hand for a bit with you bringing your eyes on your wrist watch, it says that the time was already 16:49 – you always end your work at 16:30 and you prefer to keep it that way – which means that you've been walking for a while now. Sure, your working place is just a walking distance from your apartment, but it's still an ordeal to go to, especially for a person like you who doesn't have a lot of stamina.

Bringing your attention back to your surroundings; Your eyes wandered at the trees that surrounded the area – there weren't any cars that passed by you, so the only noise that you could hear were your footsteps. A loud, crunchy sound was heard when you passed by a spot on the sidewalk where most fallen leaves gathered. When you were younger, you remembered how much you liked stepping on dead leaves because of the crunchy noise they make – it was still the same as of now, but that enthusiasm has toned down unlike before. The thought brought a smile to your lips; it was an innocent, childlike hobby that somehow you weren't aware of until you thought about it just now.

Shaking your head as you let out a chuckle, you dismissed the thought and set your mind to the things that you planned for this weekend – your well deserved rest. You thought of doing some grocery shopping this week, or maybe do some general cleaning since it has been a long time since you last did that. Or maybe–

Your thoughts were cut off when you glanced on a familiar red tori that was standing at the side of the sidewalk along with trees. It was the entrance for the Kugen Temple – a place you've been to a lot of times ever since you were a child. Speaking of the temple, it's been a while since you've seen Kuko, isn't it?

As you passed by the shrine, your head was turned to its direction; Eyes wandering around the area as you looked for your childhood friend. Looking around, it seems like no one was outside. So even if you wanted to greet Mr. Harai at least, that wouldn't happen for today.

A sigh escaped from your lips before closing your eyes and turned your head back to the path in front of you. It was disappointing that you didn't see anyone you knew, so you dismissed the thought of meeting Kuko even for a little bit.

Occupied with your thoughts, you were focused on just walking and didn't even hear the footsteps that were following behind you. It was already too late when you noticed it when you snapped out of your thoughts as a sudden contact at the each side of your waist was poked.

The gesture made you let out a loud shriek and then a shiver followed from your back up to your neck. Your eyes widened and you quickly turned your head behind you to see the very person you were longing for–

"Kuko, you and your jokes!" you yelled, unconsciously raising your voice as the said man's laughter followed. You looked at his golden pair of eyes, long eyelashes fluttering as he blinked, and the tears pricked at the corner of his eyes that it was so noticeable and you couldn't help but be angry at him.

"You–!" Kuko started, still in his fit of laughter and you waited for him to finish his sentence even though it actually took a while for him to calm down and collect himself, "That's the first thing you're saying to me after not seeing me for a while..?"

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