Bandages for my heart

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Y/n pov:

Standing outside my cottage, I filled my watering can with water from the well. Then I carried the can towards the small garden I had made for myself.

It wasn't a lot, and most of it I don't even eat. It was simply a hobby I had picked up, just like reading.

I watered the soil when my eyes snapped towards a plant that had been ruined. It looked like a plant had been torn up from the soil, and I certainly had not done it.

A small trail of footprints were imprinted on the soil, continuing out of the garden and behind a tree around the corner. I followed the footprints, looking for whatever had ruined my plant.

I heard a small sound on the other side of the tree. And heard the grass making noises at whatever creature was there.
I placed my hand on the tree trunk and peeked my head out.

"Wha- Yin?" I questioned, seeing the small dark fox laying next to the trunk, rolling around with soil on his paws.

I chuckled and sat down next to him and he jumped up from the ground and into my lap.

"Hey there... it's been a while." I greeted him and ran my fingers through his fur. He barked happily and his tail wagged.

"Where's your brother?" I asked him. He tilted his head and looked into the forest. Then he whimpered before biting down on my clothes and trying to tug me towards the forest.

A worried expression found my face and I stood up quickly. I pointed a finger to the woods. "Run! Show me where he is!" He told him and encouraged him to run immediately.

He ran on a path and I ran behind him in a quick pace. After following the path for a minute, he ran off it, into the woods.

I sighed and pushed a few bushes away before running after him.
When I ran after him around a rock, I lost sight of him for a moment. He seemed to have very little time.

"Yin?!" I called out for him.
Then he heard the bush rustle and saw his head peek out, and he barked for me to hurry up.

"I'm trying okay!" I said back, running after him again.

Then I started hearing whimpers and pained calls. They were fox calls, but it couldn't be Yin because he was here with me. I quickly figured it was Yang.

I ran towards the calls. "Yang?!" I shouted, hoping he would call out again.

Then I heard a voice that sounded too familiar to Kunikuzushi's. "Calm down little one, I'll try to help you out... just... stop trying to bite me." He said.

I panted slightly as I turned around the corner of the bottom of a cliff. Yin ran ahead of me.
The scene that was played in front of my eyes was worrying me.

Kunikuzushi sat on the ground, trying to help a familiar fox out of a bear trap. The only reason Yang was still alive was because only his two front legs were caught in between the two blades.

I gasped at the scene and Kunikuzushi turned his head and his eyes widened to find me here as well.

"Come help me." He said immediately, wanting to help Yang out.

I will save you (Kunikuzushi x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now