7. A Glimpse Into The Past

Start from the beginning

He walked to the window for the first view from his new life. The orange sun crested  over the Eiffel Tower. Behind him a voice spoke. "Good morning Andrew. We have work to do."

Five years later

Andrew stood alone at the bar. This was how he had spent the majority of his days, the past five years. Alone. Until he saw you. Your smile seemed to pull him from the shadows of his dull, murderous, spree of killing anyone that Ra deemed unworthy.
He didn't want to spend them alone anymore. He wanted you. If he had met you before Jake met you. You would have fallen for him before Jake. It was proximity. Not love. If you met him before, he was sure you would fall for him. It wasn't too late.

His hand held a martini glass in his long fingers delicately as he leaned against the museum bar. His long elbow rested on the bar, and allowed him to prop just enough to give him that suave look that so many men tried to achieve and failed. Andrew took in his surroundings. He had watched you walk in with Jake a few moments ago. His arm wrapped tight around your waist. A light blush fell across your shoulders as he whispered something in your ear as you crossed the floor. Andrew watched his lips brush against your shoulders, as he turned you to an art piece, his hand traveling to your lower back.

His head hung low under his curly hair. Through half open eyelids he turned into the bar, lowering his lean body over the bar. He laid the glass on the counter and folded his hand into his face quickly. Squeezing his eyes with the tips of his fingers, he winced back in pain. He enjoyed the pain. The only thing he felt. He was sick of these days. He heard the soothing, sickening voice of his companion drift over the marble floor like honey.

"Andrew, she is here. Are you ready? Is the area prepared?" The words crept into his skull, as Andrew opened his eyes to the full bar. Ra stood behind the counter shaking a glass gently. "You need to get to her and bring her to Hathor." Andrew reached for his glass, tipping it towards Ra, watching him pour liquid to the brim. He tossed it back with ease. Slowly placing the martini glass back onto the counter, he turned up to the God. "I've got this under control. Make yourself scarce. The last thing we need is Khonshu, Jake or the others to see you and start anything." Andrew waved him off, and adjusted his silk black tie. Tossing his curls with his fingertips, he plastered a smirk on his mouth and began his descent into the onslaught of crowds that had begun to gather around the foyer before the announcements had begun.

He weaved effortlessly into the people. Satin and silk mixed with tulle as his long feet moved with the bodies. Andrew wasn't a fan of crowds, but this needed to be done. He needed to find you. In a matter of a few minutes he had somehow lost you and Jake in the crowd. Andrew glanced up at the small signs and saw the Egyptian directions and thought that was the safest bet. He took a left and grabbed a tall champagne flute to blend in. Careful not to drink anymore, his pace meandered with the small groups. The long hallway gave way to a large opening filled with artwork that hung from the roof and small corridors that off to the sides.

Looking around the coifs of made up hair, he saw Jake. His eyes were darting around the room, looking troubled. He kissed your gently and walked away pulling his sleeves roughly. He was obviously uncomfortable. You spun slowly around looking above you at the open area. Taking everything in. Andrew watched as you took in the artwork that hung from above. Your eyes sparkled as you watched the hieroglyphics on the walls and paintings shimmer under the orange hue that was cast around you. You walked over to the wall that held a large stone, and leaned over the barricade, daring to get as close as you could.

Andrew cleared his throat as he approached. "Excuse me, I don't mean to interrupt you. What do you think this all says?" He asked softly, as he leaned over the velvet barricade, joining you in your almost criminal behavior. He looked at you under hooded eyelids. His curls falling into his face, and the smallest grin on his face. Andrew pointed towards a little figure with a staff, looking back over at the stone.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2023 ⏰

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