Chapter 1

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Today started like any other day, me a supernatural being sat in classroom after classroom, till thankfully last lesson.
Confused , well you see after losing everything I had to rebuild from the bottom, however no matter what era I find myself to be in I never age, so due to human laws being so 'young' I must attend mundane things such as school.
Science, this was my last subject, the bell signalling the lesson had finished and the students were leaving eager to get home by walking, biking, taking a car ect, my teacher asked me to stay behind, I'm always a well behaved student so at first I was puzzled as to way the teacher would ask me to stay behind until I started walking to the teacher desk from the back of the room, my eyes quickly scanning the poor displays placed around the room of students crappy work that really could of been done better even for humans, my eyes line of sight shifted straight back to the teacher, who's name I couldn't be arsed to learn, when a very sharp smell of fresh vampire, moving from foot to foot, looking to anyone like I was bored and fidgeting, when I could see the two fresh puncture marks on her neck, I became more aware and alert as to what movements she began making, but acting casually as to not alert her of anything being wrong, new vampire are something you seriously don't wish to piss off. Then she spoke emotion completely void, I can't believe I was only just noticing this, "Angee, I was just wondering if you would like join an after school club for science" I could not help but pull a face of disgust, the reeking stench of blood on her breath so strong that I wished to gag, due to it making my stomach really uneasy but I managed to keep it down. The look on my face must of sent some kind of message to my teacher "Oh, I take that as a no. How about lunches then"
I replied as apologetic as I could muster which as it turn out wasn't very much in this instant "Sorry miss I cant , my lunch times are busy with other subjects coursework and well the only way for me to get to and from school is the school bus"
She just at stared me, as if registering what I said she replied "Oh... I'm sorry to hear that"
With the conversation at a close I took my leave, wondering why on earth would she want to go to a club that doesn't exist, but for the lingering smell of vampire was something I couldn't just ignore but for now my main priority was going home.

Luckily I had made it to the bus stop in time, catching the bus as it was about to take off and getting an annoyed look of the driver as i boarded, I took my seat and the bus set of on it normal journey. No sooner had the thought in my head had finally cleared off did the bus stop suddenly. Seeing the commotion, I took out my black head phones and looked towards the front of the bus, through the window I could see two black SUV's with tinted black windows blocking the road, one man dressed in the same black as the cars was stood waiting rather patiently to be let on to the bus, a slim finger towards the buses only door and the driver complied. Now that he'd walked onto the bus I could see that he was wearing a suit with a pair sunglasses, funny that it was classic for most vampire bodyguards to wear exactly the same get up especially when it wasn't long from pouring down outside, i could tell he was looking for somebody by the way he eyeing up each is the students on the bus just because the couldn't see him doing so, however he was no normal bodyguard he was the kind you could hire for any job, he has quite the reputation in the underworld or as I like to call it the land of night (LON), fitting name. One last scan of the crowd that had gathered before him and he began to speak, his voice low and with no comfort or kindness in it "Hello, I'm here looking for a lost child" why vampires are always so straight forward I will not know.
A smart allic shouted "why would a missing kid be on a school bus! I mean come on what kid goes to school when they're apparently missing"
I could see the irritation on his face, of course a human wouldn't understand the need to hide and act normal. But like any idiot in this world he ignored what the kid said and carried on speak in like nothing had been said "The child's name is Angelica"
The same kid again burst out "Theirs no one here by that name" if only he knew I mean Angee was a nice nickname but I could never disrespect my family by permanently changeling my name, beside how come they've only just taken interest in my disappearance.
And once again he continued "Angelica Rosebud Va...Vamp...Vampira" he chocked on the last name. So I guess it true that the curse had affected the land of night, that night was horrible that I would never wish to remember it but the curse it prevented any in the land of night from speaking the high classed name Vampira.
The silence on the bus was eerie and the tension had peaked in the last couple of minutes finally I spoke asking a question "how come this is the first time any of us have heard of this disappearance?" Around the bus I heard others agreeing with my question.
The same kid spoke aloud again "yea, how come this is the first time and if your a police officer then where the hell is your uniform?"
The so called officer did not speak instead he turned around and walked of the bus, the cars did not move but instead the bus driver called out if anyone stop was near than it was probably best if they got off, even though my stop want till ages I got of the bus and so did many others I walked far enough away form the bus that I knew they wouldn't see me but I could feel the eyes of the officer on me, "What do you want ?" I yelled out.
He stepped out of the bushes behind me and said coldly "why hide child, when your people would happily look after you... Please child come with me and let's see if we can you out of those rags and into proper garments that a princess like you should wear"
That angered me, before he knew he had hit the ground my hand around his throat easily pining him, I could feel him squirming under my grasp as he realised that he pinned, when the dust cleared I bared my fangs, I haven't trusted another vampire or werewolf since I saw my father murder before me. And like lighting I was gone, baring fangs is a sense of warning but that wouldn't be enough I knew that every being in the LON would be after me. That its started, let the hunt begin.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2017 ⏰

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