I smile at her action and continue to make mine and Robbie's smoothie bowl while humming softly.

Once our breakfast is made and Lucy's bottle is warm, we all sit down at the table to eat, me positioning Lucy on my lap so I could feed her the bottle while I ate.

After she was happily cradled in my lap and suckling her milk, I talk to Robbie and eat my smoothie bowl with my free hand that wasn't holding Lucy's bottle.

I check the time and see that it's 8:35am meaning Lucy's things should be arriving soon so I needed to get her dressed and ready to go to the park.

As soon as me and Lucy had finished, I give her to Robbie so he could change and dress her for the day, while I get ready myself so I look half presentable. I then go back downstairs and find the new coat that we had bought for Lucy the other day, as well as putting my own on, as it was quite cold outside.

A few minutes later Robbie brings Lu-Lu downstairs who was dressed in an adorable red corduroy dress with some grey tights, and a white long sleeve top underneath to keep her warm.

"Look at you, cutie!" I coo, taking Lucy into my own arms as she giggles.

"Obbie do piggies!" She cheers, nodding her head which made her two little pigtails swing about.

"I can see!" I chuckle, leaning over to kiss my husband before I help Lucy put her little boots on. "Call us when you are done." I tell him, slipping on Lu's coat and taking hold of one of her hands.

"Will do, have fun in the park Lu-Lu!" Robbie waves to the toddler as we walk out of the door and down the drive.

Lucy drops my hand and waves back, before running slightly ahead of me and looking around in awe at all of the golden trees.

"Wizzie, gold!" She squeals excitedly, pointing up at the autumn trees that were all starting to loose their leaves in preparation for winter, which was rapidly approaching.

"That's right, sweetheart!" I smile, quickly grabbing Lucy's hand as she starts jumping in all the fallen leaves so she didn't slip over.

"Jump! Jump! Jump!" She chants, the leaves making a crunching noise under her boots.

I chuckle, smiling in adoration at the toddler. God she's so fucking cute.

(Lucy's POV)

Ma-Lizzie said she was taking me to the park and I was so excited because I have never been to a park before!

Mean mommy and daddy never wanted to take me as they always said they had 'better things to do.'

As we walk closer to the park I can hear the sound of lots of other children playing and screaming happily as they climb all over the colourful playground, going down slides and swinging up really high on the swings.

I started to get a little nervous at being around so many noisy people, so I stop in my tracks. pulling down on Lizzie's hand, hoping she won't get mad at me...

"What's wrong, honey?" She asks, stopping and turning to look down at me in confusion. She didn't look mad that I stopped...

I don't say anything, just put my hand into my mouth, nervously chewing on my fingers.

"Don't do that sweetheart, your fingers are yucky." She tells me gently, bending down and picking me up, removing my fingers from my mouth. "You want your paci?"

I nod, and Lizzie quickly slips my pacifier into my mouth, moving some hair from out of my face and tucking it carefully behind my ear as she continues walking towards the park.

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