lay close and listen [1/2]

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pre-ghostface / no ghostface, gender neutral reader, slight angst + fluff

Ethan Landry was a loser.

It was an undeniable, irrefutable fact that no one could help but admit with a shrug and a small smile. Ethan had friends, yes, but was a loser in the sense that he had no smoothness when it came to romance, unlike the Meeks-Martin twins. He had no charm like Tara did and he lacked the ability to flirt that Quinn regularly equipped. He didn't have your magnetism or sweetness that drew everyone in until they were completely, hopelessly, in love with you.

The universal truth that Ethan Landry had no game was suddenly and shockingly disrupted at the news that Ethan Landry had a girlfriend.

You, as his best friend, were the first to find out.

You sat there, on Ethan's bed in the room he shared with Chad, in utter surprise. Your eyes were wide and your mouth agape as you tried to feign happiness.

"Ethan, that's- that's great! Who is she?"

"Her name's Amy and she has Calculus with me." Ethan said proudly, a blush dusting his cheeks.

"Oh, so she's smart," you teased lightly, your brain still catching up to process the information.

"No, she's totally failing. I already promised to help her, though." Ethan was clearly proud of himself, grinning from ear to ear. Your smile, however, faltered at this piece of information.

You knew that Ethan's definition of help was very different from yours. It wasn't a bad thing, but he tended to go above and beyond for people, even when they didn't deserve it.

Your heart clenched as you began to suspect the worst of this girl. It was your intuition, you'd argue, although another nasty feeling was brewing right beside it.

"So, did you guys go on a date? I mean, aren't you moving kind of... fast?"

"Do you think so? I mean, she kissed me already, so- "

"What?" That nasty feeling got bigger, moving into your throat and clouding your head.

"Why didn't you tell me?" You asked, the hurt you felt reflecting in your voice.

Ethan's shoulders slumped as he analyzed your reaction, anticipating a different one. All he could do was shrug, feeling the heat on his face increase and water pool in his eyes.

"That was your first kiss, Ethan." You stated as if he wasn't aware. "Those are supposed to be special."

"Is she not special? She's the first girl to like me, ever. She's the first one to actually see me as something other than- " Ethan's voice broke as the tears forced their way down his face.

"Ethan..." You tried, placing your hand on the one shielding his face from you.

Ethan pushed your hand away, getting up to turn away from you.

"I thought... I thought you'd be happy for me." He stated, voice still quivering despite his arms crossed from his spot in the corner of his room.

You had no reply, other than to get up and leave.

「 ... 」

Ethan didn't interact with you or the group much after that. You thought it was your fault until Ethan sent you a funny post - his way of letting you know you two were okay again when neither of you wanted to apologize.

Ethan's absence was starting to concern the rest of the group, however. It took Chad to say something for it to become a proper discussion.

"It's his new girlfriend," Chad grumbled, swinging his legs off the bench. "I mean, it doesn't even sound right. Ethan and girlfriend?"

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