holy shit there's drama

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The next day, as astropod awoke, he couldn't help but turn on the radio to distract him from the situation he's in. the radio turned to the news, and it said "monsters, beware! a rampant killer is on the loose, described as a tall figure, almost like a PomPom with what appears to be bolts on the side of his head. if you see a monster like this, report it the the police IMMEDIATELY. this is hoola, signing off from your local news." a killer? he thought. pfft, who would kill monsters, this is probably another one of those hoaxes like the glubpole. but he couldn't stop thinking about that damned smile of fleechwurm's... it was just so warm and comforting, it was gravitating for astropod. he could barley get himself to walk out his front door that morning, but, for the rest of the day he just pushed it aside, he tried not to think anything of it but it was still there. also, that killer thing was pretty offputting for him, because it sounded like thwok, who he was also friends with, and having him being described on the news as a killer just piled on to all his problems currently. when he got back home to think about it his mind was clouded with awful thoughts.

do I love my life-long friend?

is one of my friends a murderer?

and what am I going to do about this?

this night, he really couldn't go to sleep. it was physically impossible for him. there was nothing he could do but lye there, confused, scared, and people probably wandering where he is.

welp, I'm done with this part. what're your thoughts on the story so far?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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