"Hello? Rasha—" Amina quickly cut herself off once she noticed what she said. "Fuck you just call me?" Melo instantly replied, causing Amina to grow hot. She couldn't believe she fucked up like that. She was speaking to Melo, but Rashad was heavily on her mind since they hadn't spoken since she left the club that night.

"My fault...I was thinking about something else." Amina spoke, attempting not show that she fucked up. "Who the fuck is Rashad, Amina?" Melo questioned, causing her to sigh.

"Somebody that I know." Amina honestly replied, "Nigga dry on your mind—I guess though." Melo angrily chuckled. Amina wasn't studying Melo's ass, Rashad was heavy on her mind now that she spoke him up. Her phone made a slight beeping noise, which caused her to look down. Ro was calling her on Instagram.

"What the hell—let me call you back." Amina spoke, she abruptly ended the call without waiting for Melo's response. "Hello?" She answered Ro's call.

"Amina." He called out, speaking into the speaker before pushing the phone into his ear. "Yeah?" Amina questioned.

"They don't have red Kool aid—they got purple though, or you still want the sweet tea?" Ro questioned, loud enough to be heard over the music playing in the restaurant. "Purple is fine." Amina answered.

"Alright—oh, and I know only weirdos be calling people on instagram, I just ain't wanna bring you the wrong drink." Ro explained. Amina let out a small chuckle before replying, "It's fine."

"I'll be back in a second." He announced. Amina nodded her head before ending the call, she went a few spots down her call log and pressed Chalyn's contact. Instead of pushing the phone to her ear, she put the phone on speaker.

"MiMi!" Chalyn exclaimed, causing Amina to chuckle. "You at the suite?" She followed up.

"Yeah—girl why I justcalled Melo Rashad." Amina announced, not being able to contain what happened to herself. "Bitchhhh." Chalyn chuckled.

"And what his cry baby ass say?" She questioned, Amina sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair. "Girl, he was like what the fuck you just call me." She spoke.

"And what you say?" Chalyn asked, "I told him Rashad is somebody I know." Amina explained.

"Well...I mean, that is true—the real question is why is Rashad so heavy on your mind." Chalyn spoke, Amina could picture the smirk her friend was doing and it made her chuckle. As of right now, Chalyn still didn't know about anything that was going on between her and Rashad. Chalyn was an open book when it came to Amina and on top of that she wore her heart on her sleeve. Amina loved Chalyn as a friend, and didn't want her to think that Amina wasn't reciprocating.

"Are you sitting down Chalyn?" Amina dramatically questioned. Chalyn let out a small chuckle, "Yes—let's not do the theatrics MiMi, my blood pressure been up for the past two weeks." She replied, causing Amina to laugh.

"Okay—I went to New York with Rashad for Christmas." Amina started until Chalyn cut her off, "Oh, I figured that." She voiced.

Amina furrowed her eyebrows together, "How?" She glanced out the window and noticed Ro's Dodge Challenger pulling up, right next to her Audi. "I went to Blue's on Christmas Eve and overheard the niggas behind the bar talking about how Rashad was in New York...I don't know how but I put the pieces together when you told me you were outta town, it clicked foreal when you started posting shit from New York a week later." Chalyn explained.

"So how was it?" Chalyn asked. Amina figured she would hold out on telling her friend about the intimacy she had with Rashad, one step at a time was fine for now. And sharing the details of her sex life was still taboo for her. "It was nice...he showed me around Harlem and stuff." Amins replied. Soon, Pharaoh walked through the door with their food and drinks.

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