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Tristan rubbed his temple gently, closing his eyes as he sat down on the couch while listening to his mother talking. It has been about 30 minutes long since she keep showing him the photos she had of the women she would introduce to him.

He had told her lots of time that he is not interested in knowing anybody. But of course, the mother will always throw some guilt by saying

“oh..pity me i will not be able to see my grandchildren as i might have been lying in the grave by the time you'd get married”

“Oh my lord.. I'm getting older day by day..what if i die before I even get to know my in law?”

He would make her happy by going out on the blind dates she would set up for him. But no, none of the woman ever get to catch his attention. For him, they're all the same. All they wanted from him was his wealth. Other than that? His look. They would ask about his company that he had been run rather than what he likes. All they'd talk about was business.

Isn't it better locking himself up inside the office rather than meeting some women who's interested in his works rather than himself? Some people think that he might be attracted to his own gender but, none of them has seen him going out with any guys.

He bore his eyes toward the mother as she kept talking about the women she wanted to introduce him to. “That's why i have been thinking on making soirees! All of the mothers would gather and bring their daughter to our house. Sound lovely isn't it?” she said excitedly making Tristan to let out low groan.

“I am not interested, mother. I have told you more than millionth time that i don't feel like getting married” he said softly but there's sense of annoyance in his voice. Of course he's annoyed. Who wouldn't be when all of your life has been arranged by family. Even the position he got right now was because of his father. He inherited the business after the father stepped down from the position.

Not to say that he has been studying business, economy, financial since he was 5 years old. If that's what lead him to having IQ of 160 he would confirm it by himself. “You are about to be 30 years old, Tristan” the mother said before looking at her son quietly. She pursed her lips before letting out sigh and stack up all the pictures she has and keep it back into the envelope.

“I told you I'm not interested. If I've found one, don't worry I will quickly come to you and arrange the marriage as soon as possible.” he said turning away before crossing his arm to look out of the window. “Well, like it or not you will still have to come to the soirees and meet all those lovely ladies!” the mother insisted as she got up before making her way toward the door. She stopped before she opened the door fully

“i want you to catch an eye on any girl and be interested in any of them or else i will just marry you off, Tristan” she threathened before leaving the room making Tristan groaned out angrily “Geez!”

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