Izuku was about to walkaway but he was stopped by Ochako who gave him a worried look on her face.


"Don't worry....I'm not in that much pain..."

But that was all the confirmation she needed to give him a glare which made him sigh as he eyes stopped glowed as he slumped a bit but she caught him in time.

"I'm sorry"

"Apologize to me later when we get to safety but right now you need to rest"

She said to him who could only nod his head but his attention went towards the entrance door that was slightly open meaning that one of his classmates got out and will return here with backup...but for how long? And...what exactly did he do to that monster?

He turned his attention towards Kurogiri's mist that started forming right above him and his classmates, who saw it and could only panic.

But they all got extremely surprised when a torrent of water started raining down.

"Gah!" Sato yelled out in surprise as what felt like a waterfall beat down on him. He stumbled away from the torrent, Mina and Sero spluttering as they helped him back. "What the hell is this?"


Ochako saw Izuku staring at the portal that gushed out the water with a look that held fear and He wasn't the only one, as fearful tears started streaming down Mineta's face while Tsuyu's whole body seemed to tense.

"Izuku?" Ochako asked in concern.

Izuku swallowed thickly, sweat trickling down his neck. "We need to go." He said as he forced his body to stand.

Ochako jerked slightly at the intensity of his voice. "What?"

Izuku then grabbed her by the shoulder, his eyes wide in panic. "We have to get Thirteen and Aizawa and get out of here, now!"

"There's nowhere to go, Midoriya," Sato said. Hearing Izuku so panicked made the sugar based Quirk user to be confused. "What's got you so worked up? It's just a bunch of water"

Suddenly, something dark and massive slammed into the ground, rushing out of the portal along with the pounding water.

"...Oh, shit."

The portal quickly cut off, giving the class a full view of the drenched Nomu. Its limbs were buried under a mass of purple ooze and twisted metal. Its beady eyes stared blankly up at the ceiling, showing no sign of life. It didn't move.

"You know… this was supposed to be very simple."

Everyone jolted at the sudden voice. Just behind Nomu's still form, Kurogiri's body had formed a new portal, through which Shigaraki stepped out, bits of purple gunk clinging to his ripped clothing. Despite the calm tone of his voice, his eyes were wild, blown wide with shrunken pupils. His whole body was stiff and tense, coiled like a spring ready to snap. He started walking towards the group, Kurogiri hovering above him like some grim specter.

"We arrive unexpected. We lock you would-be-heroes in with us. Our forces slaughter the lot of you, and Nomu kills All Might. A generation of future heroes dead, and the world's Number One along with them. The entire world flipped on its head… all before lunch.

"But instead…" He stopped right next to Nomu's body, red eyes darting first over the creature, then around to each student as they continued to back away, all with varying levels of fear on their faces. "We find that All Might's not here. Our useless lackeys failed to kill a single one of you. And perhaps most insultingly of all… someone managed to drown Nomu… and then you, Brat showed me embarrassment while leaving towards your friends...and That really pisses me off"

Izuku The Fusion HeroOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz