Ramsey sees where Luna goes to type again and then she stops... she waits a few minutes but nothing happens so she realizes the conversation has ended.

"Alright let's call the cops and get him to the police station and help the others with Harlan." "Yes ma'am," Ramsey calls the cops and they wait.

At the police station

Blake just pulled into the police station's parking lot when Luna and Everett's phones rang. "Shit! That scared the hell out of me. Pick up the fucking phone." Luna answers her phone because Everett's stopped ringing and puts it on speaker phone. The person on the other side speaks "Hello...is this Elizabeth Briggs?" "Uh yes but it's Luna, not Elizabeth." "Well whatever you go by, can you come by the police station with Blake Navarro and Everett Lang?" "We are already here..." "That's fantastic come inside to speak to Officer Jang." "Okay."

Everett, Blake, and Luna get out of the vehicle and walk into the station. An officer directs them to his office and they see Baron and Ramsey standing in front of the office. The officer walks away after saying, "Here you go." "What the hell?! How did you guys get here before us?" Baron and Ramsey turn towards Blake and then glance at Luna and Everett. "The police brought us here when my "mom" called the cops on Malcolm." "I wish you'd stop doing the air quotes. I'm your mom Baron... yours, Harlan's, and Luna's so quit" Baron rolls his eyes and mumbles "Whatever" Blake and Everett are looking between Ramsey and her "children" wide-eyed trying to process the information they just heard. "So how do we get "our" brother out of jail?" Luna is staring at Baron and Ramsey as she says this, glancing around to look for Harlan. "Well Harlan told Officer Jang he was with you three when Officer Trent Miller went missing... so you guys just have to back that up." Ramsey points at Luna, Everett, and Blake. "Well, he was with us we were hiding from Baron in the house." Everett side-eyes Baron as he says this. "Yeah... um, sorry bout that." Baron rubs the back of his neck uneasy as he says sorry to Blake and Everett. "I uh had no control of what the "beast" did. That's why I got in contact with you Everett, I figured out only a pack could turn me back when I could give you visions of me." Everett looked at Luna and said, "Well I guess we are a pack." "What do you mean Everett?" Everett turns to look at Blake and says, "Well when I was going back into the hospital to make sure Baron was okay...My hearing got good and I heard Harlan's and Luna's conversation and heard her say "There is no pack, Harlan. There never was." when Harlan said something about me being part of the pack." Everyone looks at Luna but Luna is looking at Everett. "You heard that.....how?" "I don't know but when I was running inside the hospital, I heard everything." Luna goes to say something again but there's a loud clatter that gets everyone's attention. Officer Jang is walking into the police station with Harlan in front of him and Harlan bumped into a desk causing a stapler and a stack of papers to fall off the desk.

Harlan's POV

I'm walking back into the police station after spending the last few hours in jail for murder with douchebag Jang when I bump into a desk and make stuff fall. I hear him mumble, "dumbass" and "shit" When he looked back up, I look as well and see my brother, sister, Blake, Everett, and I guess my "mom" Ramsey. I'm confused about why they all are here until I remembered I told Jang that Blake, Everett, and Luna were my alibi.

Nobody's POV

"About damn time you guys showed up!" Together in unison all three of them say "Shut up Harlan." Harlan chuckles and he and Officer Jang walk over to the others and into his office. "So Mr. Briggs tells me he was with you three when Officer Miller went missing, is this true." "Yes, it's true. He was with us in his house. Me and Blake were watching TV on the couch and he was arguing with Luna like always." Everett looks at Blake and Luna and nods his head at them to keep telling the "truth". Officer Jang turns his attention to Blake and asks her, "Is what he said true?" Blake glances at Everett and then back at Jang, "Yes it's true. We watched TV all night until Garrett got back to take us home. And the twins argued the whole time we were there about if Garrett should go back to the hospital or not." Officer Jang hummed and picked up the phone, it rang until someone answered on the other side "Hello Judge Banks, I'm bringing Everett Lang, Luna Briggs, Blake Navarro, and Harlan Briggs to your courtroom so you can determine if Mr. Briggs is guilty or not.... Yes ma'am I'll make sure. Yes ma'am goodbye." Officer Jang hung up the phone and looked at Harlan and spoke in a sort of angry tone, "I'm taking you and them three to Judge Banks and she'll find you guilty or not. Ramsey, you are not needed and neither is this other kid... so you can leave... Let's go you four." Ramsey nods her head and both she and Baron leave the office. Jang takes the handcuffs off Harlan and tells them to walk in front of him.

With Judge Banks, she hears everyone's statements including Harlans, and rules him not guilty. They all cheer and Officer Jang looks pissed he goes to say something but is quickly shut up by the Judge glaring at him. "Mr. Briggs try to stay out of trouble I do not want to see you back in my courtroom." "Yes ma'am. I'll keep out of trouble." The Judge nods her head and speaks again, "With that, you are all dismissed." They all rush out of the courthouse and into the parking lot to see Ramsey and Baron. "We have bad news." They all look confused and Harlan speaks, "What do you mean bad news?" Ramsey looks at Baron then back at Harlan and Luna and gives the bad news, "Your father is missing." "WHAT!" The "twins" speak at the same time. "Missing?! You have to be fucking joking!" "I'm afraid not kids." The remainder of the pack feels the anger rise in Harlan and Luna before they yell "WELL FUCKING FIND HIM!"

Heyy!  Hope you enjoy it!! Leave comments :)

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