Deep wounds / Ellie Williams

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You and Ellie are in patrol and you hurt your leg /fluff?
It's been a week since Ellie asked me to be her partner.
Today me and Ellie are going to patrol and clear the area.

We've been on patrol for a while, killing every infected we see. Since we need resources, we rode to a supermarket to hopefully find some.

„I'm gonna look for a way inside." I tell Ellie.

„Alright, I'm gonna watch out for more infected or people trying something funny." Ellie says with a grin.

I turn to look at the supermarket. It looks empty, but you can never be sure.

I search of a quite way to get inside I see an open window that's a bit to height to reach on my own, so I call for Ellie to help me.

„Ellie get over here!" I shout.

Soon after I hear footsteps approaching, and Ellie's voice saying.

„Did you find a way in?" she asks

„Yeah but I can't get up there alone, can you help me?" I ask

„Yeah of cause" she answers.

She she crouches down and holds her hands together to boost me up. My foot goes on her hand and the other on her shoulder, as I fell her pushing me upwards. I proceed to grap the window. I pull myself up and throw myself over the window.

As soon as my feet hit the ground I fell the ground break underneath me.

I fall for atleast 5 meters and land on my arm, as soon as I recover from the shock my arm starts to hurt a hell lot.

„Everything okay?!" i hear Ellie shout from the outside.

„Did it sound like everything was okay!?" I shout back

„ I think I broke my arm." I tell her

I hear shifting from outside and soon a glass shatter. I heard footsteps approaching.

„Watch out I don't want you to fall down here to!" I jell at her

The footsteps stop an I her her say:"alright I'm gonna try and find a way down there, don't move anywhere!"

„Like i can." I Tell her.

I grab a wood piece from the ground a bandage from my backpack. With my other arm I stabilize my now probably broken one.

I hear a door open and soon footsteps approaching. Into the room comes Ellie with a worried expression.

„Damn, can you walk?" she ask.

„yeah probably." I tell her and stand up.

Ellie takes my other arm and guides me back to the horses.


I know it's not that much love and shit cause I'm not good at writing stuff like that but please leave some suggestions.

(pretty short)

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