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Note: I do not own The Princess Diaries plot or characters, all rights belong to Disney. This is solely my interpretation of the story with my own character added in with small changes to the plot.

The sun gradually descended as the cool October breeze drifted through the air. Inside an old renovated firehouse among the rolling hills of San Francisco resided Helen Thermopolis, Phillipe Renaldi and their two daughters, Amelia and Alessandra. The two girls, also referred to as Mia and Alex, were giggling around the house as Helen prepared Alex's birthday cake. Alex was a bright young girl turning just five years old. She greatly enjoyed playing with her younger sister Mia who was almost two years younger than her and would be turning 4 in May.

Phillipe walked up behind Helen as she was putting the candles on the cake. He wrapped his arms around her and rested his head on her shoulder knowing this would be the last birthday he could spend with his family. After months of discussions with his mother Queen Clarisse and his wife Helen, he has finally decided he must put his duty above his family. As of the next day he would hop on a flight back to his country Genovia to assume his official role as the next King of Genovia. As heartbroken as he was to leave his family, especially his two young girls, he knew he must do what he can for his country above all and he hoped that his girls would one day understand that.

"Girls! It's cake time." Helen shouted at the giggling sisters. "Let's sing to your sister first then we get cake,ok Mia?"

"Otay momma," little Mia replied.

The family gathered around the kitchen table with Alex in the middle, Helen holding Mia and Phillipe lighting the candles on the cake. They sing happy birthday to the newly five year old.

After enjoying their cake the couple moved to the couch while Alex sat on the floor to open her presents.

"Oh can I open my present now, please, please, please?" Alex was intrigued by the shiny medium sized box in front of her. As her father gave her a nod and her mother an encouraging smile she quickly tore off the wrapping on the little gift.

"Wow! This is so pretty momma, dadda thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you!" Alex leapt up from the ground and attacked her parents in many hugs and kisses. After she pulls back she sits down to admire the soft stuffed bear wearing a small maroon coat and crown. This instantly became her favorite toy ever.

As Alex went to bed in her shared room with Mia she cuddled the bear and held onto it as if it would disappear from her at any moment.

Meanwhile, in the early hours of the next morning her father kissed the two girls heads as he shed a tear. He walked back down the stairs to say goodbye to Helen.

"Helen, I am so sorry I must leave you like this but I promise on my throne that I will still provide as a father for the girls as much as I can."

"I understand Phillipe, you know I wouldn't have been able to handle that kind of life. This is for the best and the girls will understand eventually. They will know once Mia is eighteen."

"Yes that is for the best," Phillipe agreed, "I love you darling, goodbye." Phillipe sighed sadly as he left the home. He carefully slides into his limo off to the airport. As the limo pulls out onto the road he pulls out his journal and begins to write an explanation to his girls that he hopes to give to them someday.

Hey if any one is reading this but this is my first published fan fiction. I know this honestly might be a bit rough to start but I am going to try and do weekly updates but I am in school and will have some time where I can't put it up. What does help is comments or any interactions with my work to help keep me accountable and remember to post haha. I hope you enjoy this little intro before I actually start where the movie starts.
Thanks - C

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2023 ⏰

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