Chapter 2

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The rider says “My name is Katsumi or Kat for short. My dragon’s name is Azeas.” Her dragon makes a little noise in greeting. Kat says, “What are your guys' names?” I tell her “I’m Abby and my dragons’ name is Narith.” Narith doesn’t move or make a noise. “I’m sorry, we just got out of a situation so she doesn’t trust others right now.” I say. “Azeas can get the same way. Do you mind if I try something?” Kat asks. “Go ahead.” I say. Kat goes over to Narith and sticks her hand out. I watch to make sure Narith doesn’t do anything.
Narith smells Kat’s hand and she relaxes. I relax as well and Kat smiles. Azeas slowly goes over to Narith and sniffs her. Narith does the same thing to Azeas. Then they start playing with each other. I smile and Kat giggles. Kat turns towards me and asks, “Do you two want to come with me to my village and we can get you the equipment that you need?” I say, “Yeah, we can. We need to stay in a village anyway.” She asks, “You haven’t been sleeping in a village? Where have you been sleeping then?” I tell her, “Anywhere we can in the area that we are in.” She says, “Nope, you are sleeping in my village. I don’t care what you say, you are sleeping there.”
I giggle and nod. I say, “Alright, we’ll go with you.” Kat smiles and I smile back. We let our dragons play with each other for a bit while we get to know each other. We call our dragons when the sun starts to go down. We mount our dragons, and Kat and Azeas lead me and Narith back to their village. It wasn’t a long flight to their village. When we get there, we land in the center of it and dismount. I turn my head to try to look at everything. Kat smiles as watches me. Narith keeps close to me and Azeas turns to look at some people. Kat turns as well and says “Chief.” Narith and I turn to look at the people Kat and Azeas were looking at.
There was a person that looked like a middle aged viking in the front with what I’m guessing are his advisors. When they get to us, the chief looks at me and Narith then turns to Kat. “Who are these people and why did you bring them to my village?” Kat says, “They need a place to sleep and they need riding gear sir.” The chief turns to look back at me and Narith. “This true?” he asks us. I nod while looking down, feeling intimidated by him. One of the advisors spoke in the chief’s ear while the chief was still looking at us.
When the advisor is done, the chief nods and turns back to Kat. “They may stay as long as they follow the rules. They will also be staying with you since you are the one who brought them here.” Kat’s face lights up and says, “Of course chief, I’ll watch over them.” “Good, because you will also get in trouble if they do anything bad.” The chief turns and leaves, his advisors close behind him.
Kat turns to look at me and smiles, I smile back. “It’s getting late, let’s get some sleep,” Kat says. I nod then yawn, rubbing my eyes. Kat takes my hand and leads me to her house. Azeas and Narith follow behind us. While Kat is leading me to her house, I look around at the village. There were many houses. There was also a centerpiece but I couldn’t tell what it was. There were also shops around the place, a blacksmith, and a leather workshop.  Kat’s house was a few houses down from the leather workshop. The house looked the same as the others. There were also hints of orange in some places and orange flowers in the front of her house. There were animal pens out behind the house. There was also a small farm between two of the pens. When we went inside, there was enough room for all four of us.
There was a small campfire in the center to cook food. There was also a desk with a chair. Upstairs was a bed with a spot for Azeas to sleep on. There was all kinds of furniture around the place. A bear skin rug, shields and weapons hanging on the walls. A place for Kat to hang Azeas’s riding gear. Kat takes Azeas’s riding gear off and hangs it up. Kat turns to me and says, “You and Narith can sleep with us.” I look at her, confused. “What do you mean?” “You will sleep with me on the bed and Narith can sleep with Azeas.”
I nod and we get ready for bed. After we get something to eat and wash ourselves off, we lay down and got some sleep. I wake up in the middle of the night. I had only slept for a few hours and I knew that I wasn’t going back to bed. I carefully untangle myself from Kat and get up. I walk downstairs and out of the house. It was dark but not too dark outside. I could kinda see my hand in front of my face.
I decided to go for a walk around the village. I could see the dark outlines of houses in the moonlight. I stayed on the path or what I hope was a path around the village. I walked around for a long time. I went to the center of the village and looked at the center piece that was there. It looked like a statue of a person. “That was my father,” a person behind me said. I jump and quickly turn around. The chief was standing behind me, looking up at the statue.
“Chief?” I ask. He looks down at me and says, “He was my father. The greatest chief of this village.” I turn back around and stare at the statue. “I’m sure you’ll be just like him,” I say. The chief quietly chuckles and comes up to stand next to me. We both stare up at the statue when all of the sudden the chief says, “You know, you look just like him.” “I do?” I ask. I turned to look at him and I noticed that he was staring at me. He nods, answering my question. “When you came into this village, I thought that my father came back from the dead. But when I got closer, I realized that you weren’t my father. You are just a girl that looks like my father.”
I just stood there, not saying anything, not knowing what I could say. “Anyway, you should go back to bed. You won’t be able to stay awake tomorrow,” the chief says. After he says that, he leaves and I just stand there for a few more minutes. I walk back to Kat’s house, walk in, go upstairs, and get back into bed, falling asleep. I wake up to find Kat not in my arms. I sit up and look around, rubbing one of my eyes. Narith was standing at the end of the base of the bed. She looks like she was trying to wake me up. I smile at her and she comes to the side of the bed. I pet her on the head and she starts purring. I hear the door open and close then footsteps coming up the stairs.
Kat’s head pokes up from the stairs. “Come on, sleepy head. Let’s get you riding gear.”Narith bounds down the stairs, jumping over Kat and waits downstairs., excited. I chuckle, get up, and follow Kat down the stairs. She gives me some cooked meat and I eat it on our way out. I open the door and Narith goes outside quickly. I laugh and so does Kat. She walks to the door and she stops in front of me. I stare into her eyes and looksshe stares into mine. We stay like that for a minute or two then we look away from each other.
She walks out the door and I follow her out, closing the door behind me. Azeas and Narith were playing with each other, waiting for us. We call them over and they come over, Azeas standing next to Kat and Narith standing next to me. Kat starts walking to the leather workshop with Azeas next to her. Me and Narith follow them. We get to the leather workshop and Kat greets the owner.
“What brings you here Kat?” he asks. “Nothing much Hallbjorn, just need riding gear for my friend and her dragon,” she says. “Another one? We only need one, we don’t need two,” Hallbjorn says. “I know but she really needs riding gear and you’re the best person for the job,” Kat says. Hallbjorn says, “Well, you aren't wrong there, alright, let’s see her and her dragon.” I walk into the area with Narith and Hallbjorn’s eyes widened. Me, Kat, Narith, and Azeas look at him confused. “Is everything ok?” I ask. He says, “I-Is that a lightning wing?!”
Kat looks at Narith and her eyes widen a bit. “Yeah, she is. I didn’t realize it. How did I not notice before?” Kat says. I look at them confused. “Can we just get riding gear fitted?” I ask. “Right, right. Let’s get started on the gear.” I nod and me and Narith get closer to Hallbjorn. He starts taking measurements of both of us. After a few minutes, he kicks us out, telling us it will be ready in a day or two, maybe longer. We decide to go for a fly while we wait.
Kat takes us to her and Azeas’s favorite places. At each place, we land and hang out there for a bit. Kat tells me how she found it while Azeas and Narith play. The last place she takes us is up on a mountain cliff. I sit on the edge, my feet dangling off the ledge. Kat sits next to me. Narith and Azeas puts their heads on our laps. I pet Narith's head while I look out.
"Can you tell me what you guys were talking about earlier?" I ask Kat. "About Narith?" She asks. "What else?" "You have the right to know since you did train her." She sighs and I turn to look at her. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "A long time ago, when I was a kid. We weren't at peace with the dragons. I mean, we still aren't but it's not as bad. Anyway, we would fight any dragon that touched down. We didn't care what kind of dragon it was, as long as we killed it. Over the years, I noticed that there were less and less lightningwings. Before we knew it we never saw one again, until now."
I look at her with disbelief. I didn't know what to say after hearing that. I was feeling a lot.  I wanted to be angry at the village and the people but I also felt like just trying to get as far as I can from the village and the people. I knew that I couldn't but I wanted to. I turn my head back towards the view. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I lay back so my back is on the ground. I let the cool rock seep into me and I to my bones.
All of the sudden, we heard something but couldn't tell what it was. I quickly sit up and look around. I looked over at Kat and she looked as confused as I was. We both stand up and Kat looks at the sky while I look down at the ground. I couldn't see much because of all the trees. I squinted my eyes, hoping to see better. Our dragons were instantly at our sides. I put a hand on Narith's back, so I know that she was actually there. We kept searching for where the noise came from. But neither of us could see anything and we didn't hear the noise again.
We took one last look around and sat back down. "Well, that was weird," Kat says. I nodded while I stayed alert. I didn't want whatever that noise to sneak up on us. I turn towards Narith. She looks at me and I say, "Go take a look around and make a signal if you find anything." Narith turns her head forward and flys off, doing what I asked.

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