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"Would I ask if I didn't?"

"You cannot say anything weird about what I'm going to say to you, okay? Because if you don't, I will cover you in paint." Odette sighed as she began to wipe at the paint on her hands. "My ex-boyfriend was a lot of things, but what's important to this conversation was that he was boring in bed, to the point where I'd play music in the background to have something to focus on when it wasn't satisfying."

Eddie nodded slowly as he processed her words. "So, you would listen to it again but only during unsatisfying sex?" When she shook her head, he only grew more visibly confused.

Hopping off the stool, Odette moved to stand in front of him, leaning down and placing her hands on his cheeks. "I would play it during the most satisfying sex so really, I wouldn't have to listen to it at all, just do it so I wouldn't feel bad about ever listening to it."

"Jesus. . ." He mumbled. "How would you even know it's good enough before it happens?" Eddie questioned, hands resting on her waist, pulling her closer to him that she took a chance to straddle him.

"It's all about testing waters," she admitted. "Trying to see how good they are with their hands." Through the fabric of her high waisted shorts, she could feel him grip onto her tighter. "You know," she started, voice dropping to a whisper as she leaned closer to where their noses were touching. "I've heard musicians, especially those who play guitar."

"Oh, yeah?" He said, nudging his nose with hers.

That was when Odette considered crossing that line, she had refused to think about ever since she had met Eddie. There was no denying she was attracted to him; she had known that ever since she had first laid eyes on him. She wanted to feel his hands on dance on her skin, to know what it was like to feel his lips on hers and to hear the way he'd say her name in a way that was only for her to hear. But there was also a part of her─ one that outweighed her desire─ that wanted more than perhaps a simple hook-up or a few. She just didn't know if Eddie would want to go down that path that she was curious to explore.

"But the real question is, are you sure you want Billy's voice in the background?" She teased as she pulled back.

Eddie groaned, throwing his head back and out of Odette's hold. "You're going to be the death of me princess."

She pressed a kiss to his cheek, allowing her lips to linger for a moment before climbing off him, aware of his hand only dropped from her waist was because she had moved out of his reach. "But where's the fun in me just saying, alright then, let's fuck on my couch?"

"The fucking is the fun part."

Odette shrugged as she returned to her painting. "One thing you should know about me, is that I'm not one for casual hook-ups. By the way you have paint on your cheeks."

"You need to stop doing that. . ."

( EDDIE: [ Grins ] She fucking loved the album.

ODETTE: Some things changed. [ Clears throat ] but since they finally had an album, a tour was quick to follow, although I guess Billy and Camila's wedding came first. )

Camila's call had been one that came unexpectedly, admittedly, Odette was half asleep when she answered the phone, completely expecting it to be Eddie since he was the only one who called early enough to wake her up─ something she knew he did on purpose considering he had openly admitted it but why, he refused to tell her─ but hearing Camila's voice had taken her by surprised. And when she had admitted that she and Billy were planning on getting married that night before The Six went on tour, it was enough to completely wake up Odette from her sleepy state and become excited over the thought of attending a wedding. Her excitement was enough to catch Lucy's attention and once she found out, offered to bake a wedding cake, or at least a simple cake decorated to look like an impressive one fit for a wedding, an offer that in response had earned Lucy an invitation as Odette's plus one. But Odette also offered her own help by saying she'd buy flowers and not taking no for an answer and promising she wouldn't spend too much on them.

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