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GRAHAM: Her face just dropped and that's when I realized she didn't know. I thought someone would've. She was Karen's best friend, her and Eddie were. . . I don't know what, but they were something, not to mention she was close with Warren, figured one of them would've told her.

KAREN: I didn't say anything because I assumed that Eddie did.

EDDIE: I thought Karen told her.

ODETTE: No, neither of those assholes told me.

WARREN: [ Laughs ] Odette was so mad. She was giving us the silent treatment, refused to let us try any Lucy's baking she made for us. Although I don't know why she was punishing me for something Eddie and Karen did.

EDDIE: Warren liked to say that she was mad at us, but she wasn't. It was easy to tell that she was being overdramatic for the hell of it.

INTERVIEWER: Were you mad?

ODETTE: Who said that? Warren? [ Pause ] Of course he would. If you ask any of them, they will say that I was. And okay, maybe I was a little upset, but I quickly got over it. But that didn't mean I wasn't going to make them feel guilty, you know? I was a child actor; I knew how to pull out the tears if I needed─ not that I ever did with them, but I knew how to be dramatic, especially back then, it's hard to do now when I'm married to someone who knows all my tricks. )

"I cannot believe you guys would do this to me," Odette stated, placing her head on Graham's shoulder. "I'm friends with a bunch of assuming idiots." Eddie opened his mouth to speak, but Odette held up her hand to silence him. "I do not want to hear any excuses, sir. Here I was, coming to deliver some of my aunt's brownies that Warren begged me for, and that was how I found out? I thought we were close enough." She then sat up straight and pointed at Warren. "You called me this morning!"

"Yeah, what part of celebratory brownies did you not understand?" Warren asked.

Odette looked at him in disbelief. "You do realise that you always come up with some kind of excuse for me to bring them. You used Christmas as one and last time I checked that's months away."

"Why don't we blame this entire situation on Warren, the one person who actually has spoken to you today?" Karen suggested, much to Warren's annoyance.

Eddie nodded. "Sounds good to me."

"That doesn't sound good to me."

She narrowed her eyes at Eddie. "You're not off the hook, Edwin."

He pointed to Karen. "Why is she?"

Karen grinned as she sat down next to Odette and wrapped her arm around the other woman. "I just am."

"You know what would make me feel better."


"Oh, come on, you didn't even know what I was going to ask."

"I am not giving you Pete's number."

She pouted as she stood up, walking over to Eddie where she wrapped her arms around his torso, resting her chin on his body as she looked up at him. "Maybe. . . I just want to talk to him, it's only fair."

"Absolutely not," he replied. "I know what you're going to ask him."

She huffed, pulling away from him but keeping her hands on his waist. "How embarrassing were you as a child that you're so worried about what he might tell me?"

From behind them, Warren laughed, breaking the bubble that had washed over them. For a moment, Odette had forgotten the others were even in the room and due to the realisation that washed over Eddie's face, she wasn't the only one.

come back, be here, EDDIE ROUNDTREE.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang